Deadheads - Newt

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Trigger Warnings: kidnapping

You felt a hand over your mouth, and you opened your eyes in alarm. You couldn't see anything in the swallowing darkness, but you heard some movement. You tried to scream to get someones attention, but it was muffled by the hand over your mouth. 

"Stop screaming shank, get her." A voice whispered, kicking your leg.

You stayed quiet trying to think of to think of a plan before you tried anything that would result in something worse. Maybe you could bite the strangers hand and scream, you thought. You decided to wait until they thought you gave up before you tried it. You could tell they were headed towards the Deadheads, and you realized it was now or never.

You sunk your teeth into your kidnappers hand, biting down as hard as you could. He pulled his hand away from you, groaning in pain. You let out an ear splitting scream before your mouth was covered again and you got kicked to the ground. You knew someone had to hear that, you just hoped that they could tell where it came from.

You felt your body being picked up and carried into the Deadheads, the crunching sound of the leaves under the two Gladerswho kidnapped you loud and annoying. You had no energy to struggle and try to break free right now, so you tried to relax your muscles to get ready to attack if you needed to. After a few minutes your kidnappers stopped, dropping you onto the hard forest ground.

You felt something in your back pocket and you realized what it was. It was the pocket knife your boyfriend, Newt, gave you for protection. You slowly reached back, trying not to draw attention to that hand. You felt the cool metal of the cover on the pocket knife in your grip, and you slowly pulled it out, hiding it in the palm of your hand. The two boys were coming closer to you, taunting you. 

"Where's your little boyfriend?" They asked, laughing again.

You gripped the knife, waiting until they got close enough for you to jump out at them, digging the knife into the boy whos hand was covering your mouth earlier's shoulder. He screamed out in pain as you pulled the knife out, starting to run out of the Deadheads. You ran as fast as your legs could carry you, dodging trees.

You almost made it out, but you tripped over a branch, tumbling to the ground. You felt something grab your foot and you screamed really loud again, hoping to gain the attention of someone. You took your knife and rolled from your back into a sitting postition, cutting into the Glader's flesh on his hand. He yanked his hand away screaming, and you got up again, running towards the five figures making their way to you.

As you got closer you could tell it was Alby and Minho, along with Thomas, Clint, and Newt. Oh Newt is going to flip. You reached Newt and he wrapped you in his arms. You started sobbing into his chest as Thomas, Minho, and Alby ran after the two guys. You let Clint check your injuries out. It turns out your arm was bleeding bad and you didn't even notice. Other then that you were fine besides a few other minor cuts and bruises.

Newt held your hand as Clint led you two over where he could bandage up your arm. Newt hasn't said anything since you ran into is arms, and it was starting to bother you. Clint bandaged up your arm quickly, and Newt pulled you up with him, heading towards his room. 

"Are you okay?" You asked him. 

"Why are you asking me if I'm okay? I should be the one asking you that." Newt said as you made your way into his room. 

"Well I'm okay now because of you." You said, pulling out the pocket knife he gave you. 

"I shouldn't have let you sleep out there without me, I could have prevented this." Newt said. 

"Well who would have thought that two shanks were going to try and kidnap me for who knows what reasons?" You replied. 

"I'm just glad you're okay and that I gave you the knife." Newt said, sitting down. You sat across from him. 

"Yeah. I love you so much Newt." You said. 

"I love you too. Come here Y/N." Newt said. You crawled into his arms, a few tears coming out. 

"Y/N, I need to know what happened so I can tell Alby. Those two shuck faces could be banished for this." Newt said. 

"Okay." You said quietly. You then proceeded to tell him the story. By the end, you could tell Newt was going to flip. 

"Banishment for sure, I know Alby will agree." He said. "I'm sorry this happened to you Y/N. It's not happening again. 

"Thanks Newt." You said, placing your lips on his. He pulled apart a few seconds later due to a knock on the door. 

"Come in." He said. Alby, Minho, and Thomas came into Newt's room, looking at you guys. 

"We found one of them. Said he had a second shank helping him and we found him bleeding out farther into the Deadheads. Right now they're both in the slammer, we need to know what happened before we enforce any punishment." Alby said. Newt then proceeded to tell the story you just told him. 

"Wow, I don't think that will need much of a vote for banishment. You have nothing to worry about Y/N, we'll also add some rules for you. Two shanks were the newest greenies, gonna realize they shouldn't have done that. Get some sleep now Y/N, we'll see you tomorrow." Alby replied. 

"Okay. Thank you so much Alby. You too Minho and Thomas." You said as they started walking out. 

"No problem Y/N." They replied before closing the door. 

"Let's get some sleep." Newt said, kissing your cheek and pulling you up with him. You both got comfortable next to eachother, and you gave him a peck on the lips before falling asleep in his arms. 

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