Change - Alby

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Trigger Warnings: none

You were awoken in what appeared to be a dark room. You were freaking out. You were panting. Where the hell are you? The ground starts to shake and suddenly you're being jerked up. So it's not a room, it's an elevator. You start to crab walk and you back into what appears to be boxes.

It feels like you're on a really fast, and very scary rollercoaster, and you are one hundred percent hating every second and every minute on the ride. You want out and you want it now. You can't tell how long you have been on this. Seconds? Minutes? Perhaps hours? You start to curl up into the fetal position in the far corner. At this point you can't hold it in, so you start to cry. 

The elevator comes to a jerky stop and it makes you feel relieved. You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding in. The door to the elevator opens and it's bright. You cover your eyes with your hand, too scared to get up. Soon a tall, dark, handsome boy jumps in the box. He extends a hand for you and you hesitantly take it. 

"What? Where am I?" You ask him, your voice cracking on the last part. 

"Well... I call it the glade." This mysterious boy replied. 

"What is your name? And why can't I remember anything but my name, Y/N?" You asked again. Your voice was growing stronger as you talked. You were getting more comfortable with this boy. You knew right away without knowing him that you were going to be good friends. 

"Name's Alby. And I don't know greenie. I had been in this shuck place for about a month now by myself, terrified. You don't know how relieved I am to not be alone anymore." He replied. 

Alby, it sounds nice. He takes you to what he calls the Homestead. In there you sit down in the dining room. He leaves the room but comes back after a few moments. He was holding two cups of water. He sat down across from you and handed you a cup.

"Alby, when we were walking towards here... I... I saw what looked like a maze." You told him. 

He looks down at his cup. He was showing the powerful emotion of fear. "Y/N, please don't go in there. It's dark and cold. There are these... these... creatures, and their mission is to kill you. Their job is to try to stop us from escaping. I can't let you die. I was going insane here all by myself." He spoke. You started to involuntary shake. The more he was telling about this place the more terrified you became. Who would do this to you?

Later that night Alby made a fire. You sat together watching it and talking. You're extremely thankful that you weren't here first. The stories he was telling about when he first got here, it would be in every child's nightmares. 

Two Years Later

"Y/N, come quick! Alby got stung!" Newt screams at you.

You dropped all the fruit you gathered for tonights dinner and make a run for the Homestead. You never ran as fast as you did in your entire life. Once you were in the Homestead you took the stairs two at a time, nearly falling doing so. You ran down the hall and opened the door. You saw Alby on the bed. He was sweating and crying out in pain.

You went over to his bed and held his hand. It was very clammy but you didn't care. You stayed at his bed day and night till he woke up. When he did he became distant and cold for weeks. You just about had enough of it. You tracked him down working in the gardens.

"Alby, you slinthead! Why have you been avoiding me lately? I'm your best friend." You practically screamed at him. He looked down. He sure as hell knew he was guilty. The other gladers stopped what they were doing and stared at you. 

"If you woke up to the things I saw," he started, "The world outside turned to shit Y/N. I don't want to go back. I'm scared."

"Alby, we are all scared, but being scared is okay. It is a powerful human emotion. You don't have to be strong 24/7. And you know what we do to fear? We face it. I'll be there every step of the way. I'll be fighting right beside you, chasing away your demon. And you want to know why I'd do that? It's because you're my best friend. And you're stuck with me whether you like it or not slinthead." You tell him. 

Alby didn't say a word. Instead in that moment he gave you a hug, and you knew that you would be alright for now. 

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