Double Cross My Heart: Part 4

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We pull apart from the hug and Tucker shrugs "I doubt there's anything we can do to get me over you, I'd need a rebound for that, or I'd need to distance myself from you guys, and we both know either of those ain't gonna happen." 'Well, there might be another way, focus on something else, like your grades, just step away from romance and focus on achieving a goal and I'm sure that'll help at least somewhat."

I tell Tucker, he was right there's not much we can do only time will help get rid of feelings, I look over at Tucker who is checking his watch before he says "Sorry (y/n), I gotta go. I'll see you at school tomorrow, and thanks for being understanding!" Tucker shouts as he runs off and we wave goodbye.

The GIW walk out of a white sale from Sophia's each with a small bag in hand. "Why do they call it a white sale when none of the clothes are white?" One asks when one of their watches start to beep and the two run over to the edge of the second floor, turning on their heat scanners as they looked around and saw Danny in the air. "The box is in the hen house!" 

"Silencers on!" A huge gun appears from both of their wrists as they begin to shoot at Danny who was blasted out of the building. I turn my head after hearing a noise and look out the shop window to see the end of the blast before my eyes trained on the GIW. What are they shooting at? My mind instantly thought of Danny, wasn't he following Sam though?

I race out of the store and look at the food court to see Sam and Gregor eating and I facepalm while muttering "Of course..." "Intangibility suits deployed." "Operation Ivory Missed is a go!" The GIW state as a suit appears and they fly out of the building. me racing outside preparing to intervene if I must. Danny shakes his head after he finally stopped moving mumbling "Close. But you'll never catch me now-" "Guess again kiddo."

 He hears and he turns to see them flying in the sky each pointing a gun at him. "What's the matter with you two?! I'm not doing anything! Why can't you leave me and my girlfriend alone?!" Danny shouts at the two, his eyebrows knitting together in annoyance. "Two unauthorized entities on scale 7 of ectoplasmic power?" " Two pre-pubescent specters operating freely? Unacceptable," The two answers causing Danny to pluck a strand of chest hair and show it to them.

"Hey! I have totally hit puberty! See that's totally a chest hair!" The two shoot at Danny again and he tumbles to the ground and detransforms behind a car. "Could this week get any worse?" Danny asks when he hears my voice and turns his head to see me step into the parking lot. "Where did they go?" I ask putting my hands on my hips as I look up at the sky when I hear a voice call my name.

"(y/n)? What are you doing out here alone?" I turn around to see Gregor walk up and I give a small wave. "Oh hey, Gregor, I thought I saw Danny out here is all, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on a date with Sam?"

I ask and he nods "She's inside cleaning up a bit." "Ah, well have a good rest of your night see ya!" I say turning around to head home when Gregor grabs my hand and I stop and turn to him raising an eyebrow in question. "Wait (y/n) there is something you should know...You are a very beautiful girl and I can't hold back any longer," Before I could ask what he means, he grabs ahold of my shoulder and pulls me in and kisses me, Danny seeing the whole thing.

Danny's face falls, his mouth hanging agape as he mutters "Okay, now it's officially worse. I'm beginning to think that spying is better left to soulless government drones..." Before Danny could turn away and fly off he sees out of the corner of his eye as I push Gregor away from me and start to yell at him. "What in the absolute heck is wrong with you?!" "But, I thought you were interested in me, you know I am interested in you, my beautiful rose," Gregor says confused as he grabbed hold of my chin and I slap his hand away. 

"Don't call me that! I'm not your rose and your only interested in me for my looks, I thought you liked Sam! Don't tell me the only reason you're dating Sam is that you wanted to get closer to me. How low can you possibly go? I'm only going to say this once: A. I'm in a relationship with Danny and nothing will change that and B. Stay the hell away from Sam if you're just going to drop her for the next pretty face you see, actually just stay away in general. I never wanna see your face ever again."

I spit at Gregor through grit teeth as I begin to march away back home. Danny was happy that I had pushed Gregor away but the anger had only risen to hear how his friend, how Sam was being used to get closer to his girl but before he could go over there and punch him, Sam came outside.

"There you are Gregor, listen I had a great time tonight but it's getting late so-" "Wait, Sam, is something I must tell you right here and now," Gregor says grabbing Sam's hand as she says "Ok...What?" "You have little tiny strand of spaghetti hanging from your lip...Right here," And with that Gregor grabbed Sam's chin and pulled her in for a kiss and to Danny's horror and what later would be mine, she kissed back...

Author: You guys mad? *smirks* *goes to drink tea but sees bird drinking it* Comet stole my tea, he's sitting on my cup stealing my tea...Alright then not like I wanted it. 

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