Reality Trip: Part 13

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"Danny! (y/n)!" Jack calls out as Maddie asks "Young man and young lady..." "I- We're sorry," Danny says as I squeeze his hand gently when our parents pulled us into a group hug. "We're very proud of you kids," Dad says first before mom starts giving me a bone-crushing hug as she repeatedly kisses me. "Oh, my baby girl!" "But we lied to you over and over for a really long time, if I were you guys I'd be furious."

Danny says confused by their reactions. "Well of course you lied to us, we never gave you a reason not to," Maddie said reassuringly and Jack chimes in with " All this time we've been yammering on about destroying and dissecting ghosts, I would've been terrified too if I were you."

"We love you, sweeties. You!" Mom adds in and then dad tells us. "Whether you're ghost, boy, girl or something in between," We smile at our parents before looking at each other neither of us was ready for the world to know our identities and we had already gone through a hassle with Sam and Tuck about it. "And we appreciate that more than you guys will ever know," Danny tells them as we go in for a group hug. 

When we part Danny mutters "Or will ever remember," With that, he used the gauntlet to wipe their memories along with the rest of the world. Next up we went to where the GIW worked. Alarms went off as screens read Ecto Intruder Alert! "What is it?" "A massive spike in ecto energy!" The two look up to see Danny and me floating above them, arms crossed and with a smirk.

"That would be us," Danny says giving a slight wave as the GIW pull out weapons and take aim, causing me to arch my eyebrow at them as Danny uses the reality gauntlet and turned their guns into a chicken and a tuba. "Here. A gift," I say tossing the Fenton Thermos onto the floor as they watch Freakshow bust out and howl at us before he was turned back into his human form. "Oh and from now on you're gonna leave the Danny Fenton, (y/n) (l/n), and their families alone!"

Danny commands the GIW just as we were about to leave. "Why would we do that?" "One of them challenges and Danny rewrites their memories stating "Because they're not the ghosts you're looking for."

The two repeat what Danny says as we fly off back home. The sun starts to set as Danny looks over the gauntlet telling Sam and Tucker "So that's it. I set everything back to the way it was before nobody knows (y/n) and I are half-ghosts except you two and Jazz; now it's time to destroy this thing for good.

"Again I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you guys the truth," I quickly apologize and Tucker brushes it off. "It's fine we weren't exactly truthful with you either about this kind of stuff." "Yeah, water under the bridge," Sam says when we hear Dash call out to us " Hey, Fentonio, Orlando, Dawn, and Shivers what are you still doing in town?" "Yeah, weren't you taking a trip to Loser Ville? Oh, wait you're already there!" Paulina chimes in and the two laugh until I cross my arms and scoff. "Says the two top local residents of this supposed Loser Ville, jeez has the sun finally fried your brain so much that you can't come up with a good insult anymore? And to think your parents have actual expectations and hopes for you." 

"You wanna go?!" Dash asks getting in my face and I click my tongue in annoyance as I push him away from me. "No, if I wanted to waste my time with you losers I would've befriended you on the first day of school, now go on and git, can't you tell nobody wants you here, or have you been sheltered from the world too much to realize that?"

Dash and Paulina start to grumble as they walk away. "Nice comebacks but you know you could've left them alone about it right?" Sam asks and I shrug telling her "But then they'd actually believe they can bully my friends if I left it alone." "Fair point." "Oh man, that's right! Everything's back to the way it was which means we should be getting ready for our vacation!" Danny says excitedly and Sam breaks the news first. 

"Uh, if it's ok Danny, pass." "Yeah, we already had one cross-country trip together I don't think we can handle another," Tucker chimes in and Danny shrugs "Yeah, I guess so alright then time to finish this," Danny and I go ghost as we fly into the air and Danny tosses the gauntlet up as we shoot a combined ectoblast at it destroying it and man did it feel good. Not just destroying another threat but to finally have all major secrets out in the open with Sam and Tuck.

"Hey! Yeah, you! You got a lotta nerve floating around like that. I get my hands on you  I'll tear you apart molecule by molecule!" Jack shouts at us as he shoots an ecto gun at us and we dodge the attack. "Have a nice Summer!" Danny calls as we start to fly over the town, heading towards Nasty Burger when another blast was shot hitting Danny in the back. 

Author: Finally done with this and I'm really excited about the next episode!!!

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