Torrent of Terror: Part 1

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"Meoterlogical events, cities have been wiped out, countless lives have been in danger! Observant High Council what say you?" One of the observants presents his case before the other observants cry out in unison "Guilty! Guilty!" "Before we pronounce your sentence have you anything to say Vortex?" The observer asks, turning to the cage holding the weather-controlling ghost. "Yes, fry!" He shouts trying to electrocute the observer when the weather controller at the top of his cage activated and electrocuted him instead. "Your weather powers are wether innert by spectral barometer Vortex. There is no possible way for you to escape. "

The observer tells him when one of the guards walks up stating "Oh I wouldn't say that," A pink energy surrounded the guard's hand before he started shooting anyone too close to Vortex back with an ectoblast. Panic was spread as the observer fled the scene till it was just the two. "Who are you?" Vortex asks looking at the guard who takes of his helmet. "Plasmius, Vlad Plasmius," He tells him before breaking the class containing Vortex.

"Free! Free at last!" Vortex cries out with joy as they fly away, Plasmius stating "Yes, yes, no need to thank me." "Thank you? Vortex thanks no one! You should be rejoicing that I even allow you in my presence flyspeck! Now stand aside as I unleash the full fury of my power on that meaningless planet Earth!" Vortex shouts, tossing Plasmius out of the way when he felt a shocking sensation and he cries out in pain. "Unleash your power on the Earth? That's funny, that's exactly what I was thinking."

 Plasmius says holding up the spectral barometer. "Please, I'll do anything you ask," Vortex pleaded, quivering at the instrument that could actually hurt him. "Yes, yes you will and I have a vivid imagination," Plasmius says flying up closer so he could tell Vortex exactly what he was supposed to do.

I fan at my face as I turn to the thermometer which had gone raising up and started boiling since the day had started, my attention soon turning to Tucker who was cooking an egg on the back of someone's car. "Man, I can't ever remember it being this hot for so long can you Danny?" Tuck asks looking and Danny who had a grumpy face on. "Uh oh looks like Commander Crab is off fighting the happies again."

 I say walking up and putting my finger to his lips and moving them up, forcing him to smile. "No worries! My Foley Mood Metalwork, pack, and pending will take care of that in a flash," Tuck says, rooting around in his bag before grabbing a machine that looked like his hat with goggles and pit to on Danny, watching as the meter turned to annoyed.

Danny's vision blurs for a moment before he takes notice of my (e/c) staring directly at him before backing up to reveal we were at the beach as I picked up a beach ball and tossed it to him only for the two to start tossing the ball when it turned into Tucker's head stating "Hello (y/n) in a bikini," The vision glitched out with a danger sign before it's taken off Danny asking "Will you get this thing off of me?"

"Must have some bugs I need to work out." "Yeah in your head!" Danny tells him when Vlad's voice echoes out into the crowd. "My dearest citizens, our current heatwave, and subtenant water storage have thrown Amity Park into a state of emergency. But being as I am your mayor and many of you are undoubtedly questioning why or even how you voted for me, I vow that the fortunes of Amity Park about to change with this:" Vlad says showing off the spectral barometer while his guards fanned him with wads of money. "My very own rain machine!" "There's no way Vlad's gonna make it rain with that thing."

Tucker says pointing at it, Danny asking "So why are we even wasting our time here?" "Because your dad is Vlad's biggest supporter?" Tuck tries to guess as we looked over at Jack wearing a Vlad suit with buttons and signs surrounding him. "Give me a V! Give me an L!" Maddie and my parents facepalm while the townsfolk give Jack looks.

"Alright, people work with me here!" Danny sighs as he rolls his eyes stating "He's probably gonna keep this up until Vlad isn't the mayor anymore." "Will we have to deal with your cruddy attitude till then too?" Sam asks crossing her arms as Logan walks up with cold drinks for us.  "I'm sorry guys, I just can't help but be embarrassed and annoyed, it's not like I can turn off my emotions," Danny says facepalming as Tucker says "If only Vlad's machine could change your mood swings, he'd be on to something." "Well I'll have to work on that, won't I? But for now, my loyal constituents will have to settle for a sudden change of weather."

Vlad exclaims walking up behind us and shooting into the sky blasting at Vortex, causing him to yelp. "So, that dot is tired of the heatwave he ordered. Very well then let THERE BE RAIN!" After a few moments and nothing happened, Sam, Tucker, Logan, Danny, and I smirked as Danny tells him "Sorry V-man looks like your weather machine's a total-" He cuts himself off when he feels something wet hit his nose and he looks up again a raging storm appears as it started downpouring rain. People started to cheer as guards started tossing out Vlad-themed umbrellas for everyone. 

"Whenever I think Vlad's crazy, I forget to add like a fox, there's no way he actually made it rain!" "A-agreed, it doesn't m-make any sense!" Logan says tossing his hands up in the air, suddenly slipping and landing in a puddle. "And his clumsiness strikes again," I think as Sam and I help him up when Vlad's limo drives by splashing us four with water as another Vlad umbrella was thrown our way.

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