The Ultimate Enemy: Part 12

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" With nowhere else to go, both of you came to me: the only person left on the planet who could possibly hope to understand your situation. All you two wanted was to make the hurt go away, I honored your wishes, no more painful human emotions to drag you down," Vlad explained how he had ripped out Danny's humanity, along with his ghost half.

 "Sadly, that freed you up to rip the ghost out of me," He then explained how Danny overshadowed Vlad's ghost and how it was to much for him to handle. "And when my evil ghost half mixed with your's and my evil side overwhelmed you." "What happened to my human self?" Danny soon asked and I chimed in.

"And how come that didn't happen to me?" Vlad closes his eyes as the flashback plays through his mind. "Some things my children are better left unsaid and as for you (y/n), out of fear you went invisible and he never cared to look for you instead he blew up the whole place. If any good came out of this it's that ten years without ghost powers gave me the chance to see what a fool I'd been."

" Maybe that's all anybody needs: a second chance. You still have those ghost gauntlets?" Danny asks. Back at school 'Danny' had finished his test, slamming it onto Lancer's desk. "Finished so soon Mr. Fenton?" "Is that a problem?" "How should I know? I don't have all the answers, do you?" Dark Danny walks out of the classroom, Dark (y/n) soon looking up with a smirk as Lancer let out a sigh and grabbed his phone. " Mrs. Fenton? It's Mr. Lancer, could you and the (l/n)s meet me at the Nasty Burger at say 5:00? And bring Danny and (y/n)." 

He said looking out the window at 'Danny' and watched as Dark (y/n) soon joined him, he hadn't realized she finished. "So you're saying there's a medallion lodged within both of you, keeping you rooted in this time period?" Vlad questions putting on the gauntlets, Danny soon answering.

"Yes, and we can't reach it. But I'm guessing if you could reach into us and rip out our humanity...Which by the way sounds totally gross, you can get the medallions out too. Then we'll pop back to our present like Tucker and Sam did."

I narrow my eyes at Vlad, he had that gleam in his eye as they dialeted stating "Or I could just destroy you two now and prevent even the possibility of this future. Didn't think of that did you?" Our screams soon echoed throughout the cave. At the Nasty Burger, Lancer waited as the Fenton RV pulled up. "Mr. Lancer sounded urgent on the phone, kids is something wrong?" Maddie asked as he mumbled "Not yet." "Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. (l/n) Daniel, (y/n), this is the Nasty Burger when people fail, this is where they end up. Whether they fail because they don't study or because they cheated," Lancer explains holding up our test answers, our parents letting out a gasp.

 "Danny, (y/n) is this true?" Jack asks as all eyes landed on us. "Did you two cheat?" Mom soon questions as Lancer tells her "Since Daniel and (y/n) are...Ahem close I have every reason to suspect she helped steal the answers as well as cheat."

"You have to get out of here!" "The Nasty Burger's gonna blow! And we're 3 feet from it!" Sam and Tucker's shouts where soon heard as they ran up. "South beach diet people! What's going on here?!"

Lancer asks as a metallic sound rings out and everyone turns around to face Jazz in the Fenton Peeler. "I'll tell you what's going on...Or better yet show you," She points the peeler at 'us' and the disguise started to peel away.

"That's not Danny or (y/n)!" She shouts, our parents glaring at the two as they pulled out their weapons. "Where are they? Where are our kids?!" Jack soon asks, Maddie chiming in with her question. "What have you done to our kids?!" The two start to laugh as they raise their head Dark (y/n) stating "We are your kids!" "What?!" "What kind of parents are you anyway? The world's leading ghost experts and researchers and you can't figure out that your own son and daughter was half ghost!" Dark Danny explains as the two flew into the sky. "For the record, I blame you."

Jack had started to say when Dark Danny spoke again. "I mean hello?! Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom! Ever noticed the similarity?" "And then from there all it would take is simple observations to tell I was (s/n) since I was always with Danny.  Jazz noticed it," Dark (s/n) then explains crossing her arms as Sam and Tuck ask in unison "She did? Wait...(y/n) is (s/n)?!" "Liar! Don't move!" Dad soon shouting aiming at the two. "Actually, nobody's going anywhere not until it's time for you to be blown everywhere," Dark Danny sends a ghost wave trapping everyone but Jazz  onto the building, Jazz soon running up and trying to punch me only for it to phase through.

The Other Halfa: Part II - Danny Phantom the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now