Reality Trip: Part 4

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"Holy sweat socks Danny Fenturd and (y/n) (l/n) are Danny Fanturd and (s/n)!" Dash exclaimed putting his hands to his head in shock as Paulina smiles. "And he's totally infatuated with me, this makes things so much easier...For me!" "AHEM! His girlfriend is right here," I say glaring at Paulina while pointing at myself and her face gives me a challenging smirk as everyone started to chatter, climbed up onto the stage, and surrounds us.

That's when I remember Sam and Tucker and I look over at them to see them staring at me with shocked faces, mouths agape. They snap out of it once they notice I was looking at them and the two hop in front f us Tucker with a seat in his hand, Sam spinning a microphone. "Back! Back savages!" (Shit not again- *music starts to play in head* I'm a savage, I'm your captain so you better not be slackin~ DAMNIT)

"Well uh...It could be worse?" Sam said, trying to reassure us and Danny asks her "Really? How?" "Nobody move!" We hear the GIW shout as they fly in closer as I mutter "Like that..." "Our son and his girlfriend are the ghost kids?!" Maddie asks blinking in shock. "Now, now let's not go jumping to any insane conclusions."

 Jazz said covering the screen as dad points at her and asks "You knew, didn't you?!" Before she could answer Sam and Tucker's parents burst through the door. "You!" Sam's father shouted and Jack shouted the same thing as the two men got into each other's faces. "We were watching Extreme Nanny Makeover when we found out your son and your daughter are ghosts!"

Mr. Manson shouted pointing from Jack and Maddie to my parents as Jack shouted back "Why are you yelling at us?! Your spooky ookie bat daughter has to be behind this!" Mr. Foley interjected pushing the two away as he stated "Now fellas it's ok to point fingers as long as nobody's pointing them at my son." (What is this a round of Among Us? Now I wanna buy the child just to say that the next time I play)

"Ok! Maybe our kids are the ghost kids," Mom started and Maddie finished for her. " But it's not as though our ghost activities have EVER put your families in any danger," At that moment the house started to shake as Lidia's tattoos swarmed out of the vents surrounding and capturing the families. "Until now..." Jack muttered after receiving glares. The GIW start to circle us as they tell us "You're both coming in for questioning." "And experiments, lots and lots of really painful experiments." "I don't think so, Tucker, Sam, grab hold of us."

Danny says and the two comply grabbing ahold of our arms as I tell the GIW "As tempting as your offer sounds, I think we're gonna pass." "I'm going ghost!" We shout, going ghost while the crowd cheered us on as we flew up and away. "Dudes, you two are rock stars," Tucker tells us when out of nowhere we detransform. "Who can't do anything..." Danny mutters as we start to fall.

I quickly grab hold of my friends and try and force myself to fly, it was straining but it did make the fall less hurtful when we actually hit the stage. "That reality gauntlet explosion must've messed with our ghost powers."

Danny said as we all rubbed a sore spot on our heads and the GIW land in front and behind us. "I'll get us outta here," Sam said, grabbing Danny and me before the GIW could and we were thrown into the crowd as Sam shouted "MOSH PIT!" Sam and Tucker soon join us, Sam quickly grabbing her book as we were lost in the crowd. "They've lost their ghost powers. Get them!" We sneak our way over to the locker's building and looked over our shoulders.

Suddenly all four of us feel a pair of hands on our shoulders as we are dragged inside, the lights flicker on to reveal Dash, Kwan, Star, Paulina, and their other friends. "You're helping us?" Danny asked, raising an eyebrow, I had to admit this did seem a little weird and I openly showed it. Dash gave us a look that read it should be obvious we're helping you as he tells us "Well duh, you two have only been helping us for like ever!" Paulina walks up and gives Danny a kiss on the cheek as she tells him "Paulina Fenton, hey! I finally wrapped my mind around it!"

 I grab Danny's hand as I glare at Paulina telling her "Good for you, now unwrap your mind around it, you had your chance and wasted it, so let me give you a reminder since you seem to forget all the time: Back off! Danny's taken I'm his girlfriend!"

"Okk I'm feeling relief and nauseated at the same time," Sam grumbled as she crossed her arms when Danny spoke up. "I'm gonna have to side with (y/n) Paulina, you had your chance and I'm over you. Thanks for your help everyone but how are we gonna escape?" "They can't have gone far without their ghost powers!" One of the GIW said as everyone walked out of the locker room, Danny wearing a football uniform, Tucker the mascot uniform, and Sam and me wearing cheerleading outfits and using pompoms to hide our faces.

"I want those back by Monday, minus the goth sweat," Paulina said pointing at Sam and me. "We don't sweat, WE SIMMER!" Sam shouted and I had to pull her away from attacking Paulina. We look around the corner at Danny's front door and he turns to us to explain the plan. "Ok, I zip in, get my stuff, (y/n) does the same with her house-" "Then what? Run away from home?" Tucker asks cutting Danny off.

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