The Ultimate Enemy: Part 13

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"Nice try Jazz, but us, our future is inevitable," Dark (s/n) said twisting her neck all the ways around before doing the same with her body. Soon multiple clones appeared, ripping away the Fenton Peeler and put her with everyone else. "Hey, old man! Ready for a blast from your past?!" Danny's voice soon echoed out as we fly down punching the two away before turning our attention to our family and friends.

"Don't worry, we won't turn into that. Ever. We promise," I say when Danny tells Lancer "I'm guessing this sort of explains our periodic absences huh?" Suddenly an ecto rope wrapped around us forcing us to face back to back as we're brought to our alter egos. "What are you gonna do? Waste us? What happens to you then?"

"You don't get it do ya? We're still here, we still exist. That means you still turn into us," Dark Danny points out before sending us flying into a lamppost, our backpacks falling off to reveal our weapons. "We don't have to waste you two, we just have to run out the clock until your entire life falls apart," Dark (s/n) states as the two flies down towards us, Danny grabbing my hand and grabbing the backpacks with the other as we phase under the ground, grabbing our weapons. The lamppost falls to the ground as a result of snapping it in half as we phase up behind the two as I soon shout "Maybe if you remembered more about your family you would've remembered the Spector Deflectors!" 

I quickly put them on the two as they shout in pain from the electrocution. "Or the Ghost Gauntlets!" Danny then shouts, punching the two into an oil truck and it explodes, blue flames surrounding the area.

We don't see any movement so we turn around to get our family and friends to safety when the two immerge ripping the Spector Deflectors off and throw us to the ground as they and several clones surround us. "Your time is up you two. It's been up for ten years. Multiple punches, kicks, and ectoblasts were sent our way as we fell to the ground. "What makes you think you can change my past?"

Dark Danny asks as we tried to stand up Danny soon responding to him. " Because we promised our families." "Haha! Oh, you are such a child! You promised?" He mocks us, only angering us more as we stood up and started to shout.

"Yes, we promiEEEEEEEESSSSSSSEEEEEEEEDDDDD!" We let out our ghostly wail, sending the two back leaving them confused. "That power! Ugh, that's not possible! I don't get that power until ten years from now..." Dark Danny utters in shock as we fly over to them.

"I guess the future isn't as set in stone as you think it is," Danny says before he grasps my hand and our fingers intertwine as we let out another ghostly wail. Glass shattered, and cars went flying as the two crash into a building, our ghostly haves fading away as we revert into our human selves. We fall to our knees as the two arise. "Well, that's it isn't it?" "Times up," Danny says as I hand him the Fenton Thermos and the two were sucked in, their final words: "It's too late to escape and you're too late to save em!" Danny caps the lid as realization dawns on us. "Oh no..." We race towards the Nasty Burger soon learning that for the time being, we couldn't go ghost. Tripping over some rubble, we get a good look at our family screaming "NOOOOOOOO!" Soon the building exploded and we were sent back flying when time slowed down to a stop.

We open our eyes to see Clockwork's medallion on us as we let out a gasp. "Clockwork?" I question as he gives us a smile and points, we turn our heads and a wide smile appears as we look at our family and friends...And Lancer was asleep but ok. "You saved them? But I-I don't understand!" Danny soon stated as our attention drifted to Clockwork, who explained.

 "The observants look at time like their watching a parade: one thing after another passing by in sequence right in front of them. I see the parade from above: all the twists and turns it might or might not take," He gives us a wink as I say "You knew all of this was going to happen...All of it! Even this part!" I gesture to the people we cared about...And Lancer. "Everything the way it's supposed to be and here we are with you, two 14-year-old children risking everything together to save the people you care about. Time in!"

A green mist surrounds us as our vision is clouded with clocks before we reappear in the classroom 2 hours ago. "You've given everyone else in your life a second chance, why not you?" He tells Danny, handing him the answer sheet and Danny takes it with a smile as he turned toward me when another person appeared, it looked to be future me before she had turned!

The Other Halfa: Part II - Danny Phantom the SeriesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ