Girls' Night Out: Part 5

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"Roger?! That's a man's name!" They suddenly heard and mom and Maddie turned around to see one of the staff giving the two a confused worried look. "Oh look a shoe sale!" Mom quickly says, pointing in another direction, grabbing the lady's attention only for Maddie to knock her out. "Sorry, but we can't have you blowing our cover. Now to take out that ghost."

The two continue to sneak up onto the stage as Spectra continues to talk to the audience. "Now, I'm going to need a volunteer or two...Oh! Wonderful you two!" She points at mom and Maddie and before either could shoot an ectoblast or pull out the Fenton Thermos the staff grabbed the two and spun them around, putting them in aprons.

"Uh but...but we really don't-" Maddie tried to say only for Spectra to cut her off "Oh don't worry you'll have the help of our in-house homemakers," She gestures towards the other end of the stage to reveal Mrs. Manson along with one of her friends. "Oh, no only one thing could make this worse..." Mom whispers, facepalming and dragging her hand down her mind going to the first meeting she had with Sam's parents and their friends...It didn't go too well.

"Hi, Maddie! Hi, (m/n)!" The two say in unison, waving at the crowd. "And that would be it..." Sam made her way through the military training course with ease as she slid past the finish line, Kitty stopping the stopwatch. Sam was facing her alone because out of all three of the ladies, Kitten was the weaker one and Sam had promised she could handle Kitten while Jazz and I handled Ember and our moms handled Spectra.

 "Not bad, I've been looking for someone to go a few rounds with Helga," Kitty says unaware of the Fenton Thermos pointed at her which distracted Sam. "Helga?" She asks, her attention turning to a large woman destroying the punching bag. "She's run out of sparring partners," Before Sam could do anything she was picked up by Helga who ate the thermos. " I guess it's good to get some iron in your diet every once in a while."

"Hey girls! It's girls' night out!" Ember sang into the microphone as she played her guitar. "C'mon girls!" She called out to the backup singers which had two girls and then me and Jazz, the girls and I started to dance, Jazz looking at us confused.

The drums picked up as Ember started singing the chorus. "Du wa wap," We soon sang, snapping our fingers as we provided the vocal harmony, I take notice that Jazz was just standing there and I lightly jab her to start moving as Ember, me, and the two other girls continued to sing eventually a long note came that required each of us to continue the note at a higher pitch and Jazz not being able to sing, cracked her voice and continued to draw attention to herself by picking up her mic and continued to shriek in it while I tried to get her to stop.

 Everyone was glaring and booing at Jazz; taking this opportunity I grab the Fenton Thermos she had dropped and point but people had started throwing garbage at Jazz and since I was standing next to her I had to move away to dodge, causing me to fall on my back and drop the thermos which rolls of the stage. I look up at the sky with a sigh as I heard Jazz shout " You're all just jealous!" No Jazz, they aren't.

"I smell like I slept in a garbage truck..." Jazz complains, still peeling off the trash, as Sam rubs her sore back. " You? Ow, I think my organs are loose." "You're sore too huh? Though it sounds like you got it worse than being kicked out by Ember's guitar chord."

I say rubbing my temples, Maddie chiming in with "I can't believe your mother and her friend told us we had a poor meal presentation, so we didn't use the parsley spray, is that a crime?!"  "Not to mention their pickiness, why should we have followed the recipe to a T? That takes the fun out of cooking!"

Mom and Maddie say bitterly, we were all in the kitchen, telling each other how we had failed to capture our assigned ghost and then complain. "Women of Amity Park!" We hear Ember's voice echo and we race over to a cabinet as Maddie presses a few buttons before stating " Five to the ops center...And one to a shower." "Thanks, Mom..." Jazz grumbles as we were sucked away up into the ops center where we looked out the window to see a march going on, Spectra, Kitty, and Ember leading the women somewhere. "We only got two hours left before the spell becomes permanent."

Sam points out and Jazz smiles stating "I've got a plan-" She was cut off by Sam who tells her "Uh Jazz, why don't you let your mom, Mrs. (l/n), (y/n), and I handle this?" "Right because your first plan worked so great." "At least I didn't come up with the name Ghost Getters!" The two start to argue again and I slide my hand down my face.

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