Boxed-Up Fury: Part 3

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"Wow, really? Then who puts snakes before frogs? I mean seriously," Tuck asks, placing his hands on his hips as Danny asks "How do you three know about this box?" We give him a blank stare before Sam answers first, Logan second, me last. "Hello? Goth! Dark and weird stuff is standard-issue," Logan then points with his thumbs at both me and Sam before blankly stating "These two." "A. I'm Sam's best friend and it's a standard-issue to know everything she likes and B. I had to do a report of Pandora and her box at my old school and afterward, I became completely obsessed with Greek Mythology!"

Sam then pulls out Goth's Guide to Mythology and Danny looks at the cover before stating "Well I'm sending this dark and weird box back where it came from C.O.D," He says putting his fist in his hand before flying into the sky. Once again the box was opened and out came a blue pegasus and I shout "Danny! Evil Pegasus at three o'clock!" "Pegi-who?" He asks before seeing the steed charging towards him.

I quickly fly up and push him out of the way before the pegasus could hit him which resulted in me getting hit. Tucker and Logan go to catch me but missed as I tumble to the ground with a grown. "I said Evil Pegasus..." "You should really read more!" Sam tells Danny as Logan helps me to my feet. The Peagusus's shadow looms over us and we turn to face it when Logan says "It's ok, I don't think it can actually do anything." "That's where you're-" I was cut off by the pegasus as it began to breathe fire and we all ran away from the flames. 

"Wrong. You should read more too," I tell Logan before turning to Danny. "I'll use my firepower to extinguish the flames you do something about our friend over there," Danny gives me a nod before I fly up and start creating a new fire to smother out the fire as Danny gets the pegasus's attention. "Hey, horse-face! Do the words glue factory mean anything to you?" He flies up and starts flinging ectoblasts at it which it blocked with its wings.

It opens up its wings again and starts flapping them, causing a powerful wind that blew everyone back before the Box ghost appeared on the back of the Pegasus, clearly enjoying himself. "Yeehaw! There's a new sheriff in town and now it's time to meet the new deputy of death!"

Once again the lid of the box is opened and we watch as what looked to be vines flung out to reveal it was actually a hydra as Tucker mutters "And suddenly I miss the snakes," We all start to run away when we saw the heads were about to breathe fire. Soon Danny and I pick our friends up and we fly up and out of the range of the blast. Once we had flown away from the hydra it began to wreak havoc in the park. Soon it started chasing the civilians, one guy tripped but before the hydra could burn him to a crisp Danny and I fly up as a blockade. Using his ice powers, Danny fights against the fire, and to help I send a fire blast at the ice which shot the ice into one of the hydra's mouth, freezing it.

 "Fight fire with ice I always say. Or at l will start saying it now," Danny says, preparing for another attack when we heard the Box ghost right next to us. "I always say fight fire with flem!" "What?" We question in unison as we raise an eyebrow when the pegasus sneezes on us and we go flying into a tree.

"That's just groooooooossss!" Danny shouts along the way, both of us shuddering out of disgust when we stood up. "Let's see 10 headed dragon, snotty horse with wings! YES! MY BOUNTY INCREASES!" The Box ghost shouts before falling off his steed. "Horror, dread, fear, and all because of me," He boasts before evil laughing, Tucker soon asking "Is it me, or is he actually beginning to sound menacing?"

"It's that box! It's like giving him evil energy!" Sam explains before feeling Logan tap on her shoulder and she turns around to see the hydra had come back. They began running but soon became corner from the hydra and the snakes. "Danny!" I shout, pulling him up into the air as we flew over as fast as we could, combining our ectoblasts together to destroy the fireball heading towards our friends. The hydra started breathing fire at us again and we had to land to create a shield to protect all of us. "Now, I will reign over your world and you will all bow to me or face my wrath!"

 The Box ghost shouts before heading towards the city. "Anytime you want to use more of that refrigerator power go for it, dude!" Tuck tried to urge Danny who snapped back "I'm trying!" The hydra began to blow more fire at us, Danny and my arms beginning to shake as I tell the three behind us "Can't...Hold off...Anymore!" Suddenly the hydra was blasted back and we heard the honking of the RV.

"Taste my fire, dragon breath!" Jazz shouts shooting at the hydra with the ecto bazooka. "Ten heads, meet nine tails!" Maddie shouts, poking her head out the window as the nine tails wrapped around the hydra's neck and electrocuted them.

"I don't have a clever quip!" Jack shouted as he got out of the RV and blasted the hydra, causing it to fall before it started to run away, my parents calling out "C'mon it's heading towards our trap!" "You guys help our parents track and trap that thing down before it destroys the rest of the city we're going to the Ghost Zone to find Pandora!" I tell our friends.

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