King Tuck: Part 3

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"Locust, now that's old school; you're pretty mean with a plague," Tucker says tapping Rah's back before wiping his hand on his shirt and headed inside muttering. "You know a guy could get used to having a minion." " Don't get too used to it my king for very soon you and everyone else will be my minions," Hotep Rah mumbled to himself pulling out the scepter from the museum. Tucker made a quick stop at his locker before the debate started and Rah handed him the scepter claiming it was a gift.

"What up Rah?" "Your rise to sovereignty, I bear you a gift to help you achieve it." "The Scarab Scepter? But that belongs to King Duul Aman!" "To whom I humbly present it!" He shoved the scepter into Tuck's hands as his eyes began to glow red hearing Rah's last words before Sam's voice brought him out of his trance. "Use it in good health my Pharaoh." "Tucker, there you are!"

Danny, Sam, and I walk up as Danny hands Tucker his notes exclaiming "We've got your talking points for the debate." "Keep them! I no longer require your meddling advice!" Tucker shouts throwing the cards onto the ground and I lean down to start picking them up stating "Tucker! These were the points you wanted, you asked us to make these for you!"

I shout looking up when I take notice of the scepter "Hey...Isn't that the scepter from the museum?" I ask and all eyes except Tucker's went to it as Sam said "Yeah, it is! How'd you get it?" " Why should I explain to you how I acquired what is rightfully mine?" Tucker asked back and all three of us raised an eyebrow as Danny tells him "Your's? Tucker, I don't like this, you have to listen to me-" "As you listened to me?! Or you?!" Tucker interrupts pointing from Danny to Sam. "Tucker!" I shout and he gets in my face. "Did you not hear me?! The scepter is mine! Now stand aside or face my wrath!"

He then pushed me aside and I fell into Danny's arms as we watched in disbelief as he walked away. "(y/n) are you ok?" Danny asks helping me to my feet. "Yeah but I'm more worried about Tucker, what was all that about?" The two shrug, there was nothing we could do about it right now so we headed into the auditorium and sat down.

"First up with opening statements is Tucker Foley," Lancer's voice rang out and Tucker stepped up to the podium muttering " Thank you mortal fool," This earned him a glare as he started to speak but soon cut himself off when he noticed nobody was listening, they were either reading, talking to other people, or playing on their phone. "At the museum the other day we saw a glimpse of the past but now I wish to talk about the future- Hey I'm talking here! Listen!" The scepter started to glow as Rah watched from the background mumbling "Yes, let the scepter take you!"

Tucker's eyes started to glow red again as he smashed the podium to bits earning everyone's attention. "I said...SILENCE!" Everyone gasped as Hotep Rah made himself know to the eye. "Antony and Cleopatra!" Lancer shouted s Tuck's voice echoed out through the room. "I am tired of not being listened to! Of not being respected!" I grab ahold of Danny's hand and squeeze earning his attention as I whisper:

"Um, I think that's our cue," Danny nods as he goes under the seat and goes ghost, flew up to the stage and grabbed the scepter starting a tug of war. "Give me that scepter! Now!" "No! It's mine! Let go!" "Tucker!" 'You're still not LISTENING TO ME!" His eyes started to glow red again as a bright blue hue surrounded the room as an explosion went off. We opened our eyes to see Danny had disappeared.

"Where'd he go?! TUCKER WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I shouted looking at the pile of dust where Danny had been. Unknowing to us all he had been teleported to an arena where he was tied onto a chariot facing another chariot that was heading to destroy him as he questioned "Tucker? Sam? (y/n)?" "And let that serve as a warning to all of you!"

Tucker shouted as he slammed the scepter to the ground the same bright blue hue surrounding him as another explosion erupted. This time when we opened our eyes we were in an Egyptian city wearing Egyptian clothing from the men wearing shendyts to the women wearing sseruals including Sam and I thought me and her were wearing pschents. Hers wrapped around her head with an emerald in the front and above it a snake. I looked down at what I was wearing and what others were wearing why does mine seem more like royal attire?

Your dress and crown:

Your dress and crown:

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"All hail Pharaoh!" We heard the ghosts shout as they began to bow and we turned to see Tucker in the same getup but with a neme, a cape, and a postiche

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"All hail Pharaoh!" We heard the ghosts shout as they began to bow and we turned to see Tucker in the same getup but with a neme, a cape, and a postiche. "From now on this is my world and my word is law!" He shouted before using the scepter to create storm clouds that shot lightning, scaring everyone. "Guess you'll listen to me now." "Tucker please this is wrong! But the clothes are pretty rad," Sam tried to reason with Tucker as we walked up the steps before admiring the clothes.

"Stand down Samantha!" He shouted and Sam's voice got louder. "SAMANTHA?! NOBODY CALL ME THAT!" Before she could give Tuck an ear full two guards appeared blocking her path. "Except you..." "Guards! Put these drones to work on the Sphinx!" Hotep Rah called out and everyone except for me was put to work.

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