Double Cross My Heart: Part 5

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Danny flies off as Gregor and Sam pull apart Sam telling Gregor "Woah, easy there big fella, don't you think we're rushing this a bit?" Sam asks and Gregor shrugs telling her "Ah, yes, yes, I forget. The American girls like to take it slow." "I've just got some things to figure out," Sam corrects him, her thoughts racing through her head a mile a minute. "Of course, I respect this."

Gregor tells her, gently squeezing her hand as he begins to walk her home. It was lunchtime at school, I had already told Danny what happened last night, I was so grateful he forgave me, though now we have to figure out how to break the news to Sam. " So, uh do anything fun last night?" Danny asks and Tucker wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"I hung out with (y/n) at the mall, tried a new drink." "Uh cool, what about you Sam?" Danny says a bit awkwardly as she shrugs stating "I dunno, just hung out." "With Gregor?" Danny asks, thoughts of last night's events flooding back in as Tucker warned Danny. "I wouldn't do that." "Why is that any of your business?" Sam asks as Danny gets up and looks closely at her face and I ask "What are you doing?"

"I dunno, just checking for pimples, dimples, spaghetti sauce..." Danny trails off as he sits back down and Sm puts the pieces together as she lets out a gasp. "Spaghetti...Were you spying on me?" "(y/n) and I told you it was a bad idea to spy on her," Tucker says as Danny rolls his eyes muttering a "Nice..." "You used your ghost powers to SPY ON ME?! You've really crossed the line!" Sam shouted as she stood up, her hands balling into fists as Danny corrects her. "Not you! I was spying on Gregor! He's so obviously working with the Guys in White!"

 Danny says as I facepalm shaking my head mumbling "Now you've gone and done it," Sam puts her hands on her hips as she scoffs and rolls her eyes at Danny. "Oh so that's it, the only way a boy could like me is if it was a plot to get you or (y/n)?! Huh, ego much?" That's when Gregor showed up and Danny and I instantly glare at him.

"Hey, Sam, you want to-" "Whatever it is, yes!" Sam cut him off as she grabbed him by the hand and stormed off. "I think I can guess the answer but how did it go last night?" Tucker asks as Danny sits back down and tells Tucker everything.

"Well, I got hit in the face with a rock, Gregor not only kissed (y/n) but he kissed Sam and the Guys in White attacked again so there's gotta be a connection between them and Gregor!" "Wait hold up, Gregor kissed (y/n) and Sam?!" Tuck asked looking at me with shocked eyes and I nodded as confirmation. "Yes, but apparently that's none of my business," Danny exclaims, drinking the last of his milk before crushing the carton as the memory of Gregor kissing me played in his head on a loop.

 "The worst part is I know he's gonna end up breaking her heart since the only reason he got close was to get close to me, and the only reason he's staying is that he's settling for what he thinks is second best until he finds the next pretty face he can score. We have to break them up before she falls in love," I point out clenching my fists when Tucker gets an idea. "Since you get attacked anytime you get close to Gregor and since he's not good for Sam, I'm gonna tag along with Gregor and Sam; I'll be your mole."

"Really? To protect Sam?" Danny and I ask in unison, relief washing over us. "That and for the most part Gregor rocks. Plus you're my best friend and you're my best friend's girl and I gotta watch your guy's backs too right?"

Tucker says pointing from Danny to me as he flips his beret backward and before Danny or I could warn him, he fell through a sewer hole. "The Purple Back Gorilla information we accessed traces back to an assignment you gave in your class."

Danny and I overhear and we look around the corner to see the GIW talking to Lancer as he asks "And what makes you think I wanna cooperate with the feds?" "Because ghosts are a constant threat to your student body and because we're with the government and have access to your tax records," They tell him, making him instantly open up. "What do you want to know and how fast do you want to know it?" "This is getting too close for comfort, we need to lay low for a while and let Tucker do his thing," Danny tells me as he grabs my hand and sneaks away from the situation. 

Later that day at Skulk Lurk and Books Sam, Tucker, and Gregor were hanging out. "Edward Gory, excellent choice, even his name is Gory," Gregor says handing the book to Sam when Tucker snakes himself between the two as he states "Hey guys, thanks for letting me tag along. I hope I'm not getting in your way too much." "Of course not," Gregor responds and Sam chimes in with "Yeah, of course not, you asked to tag along. Unlike some people I know who better not be here now!" Sam shouted into the sky as she looked around for any sign of Danny. "Shouting angrily to the sky, it reminds me of home."

Gregor said wiping a tear from his eye. After checking out their books the three headed to the golf course. Gregor was setting up his shot when Tucker screamed in his ear "You're cool Gregor!" This caused him to mess up his shot as the golf ball hit the fan of the windmill and bounced into Sam's mouth. (Not gonna lie, that would've hurt and her teeth would be destroyed)"Classic American humor yes?" Gregor asked. 

Author: This is going to be a weird question but what do y'all think of the name Logan?

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