Double Cross My Heart: Part 3

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"Uh...Heh heh...Hi Gregor," Danny says with a nervous chuckle. "By the way cool shirt," Gregor complimented Danny as he looked over his shirt asking "Not too much red messing up the whole white thing for you?" "It totally works for you, I could never pull off such a look myself," Gregor said looking down with a slightly glum face as Danny thanks him. He does flick of the wrist thing as he asks "Pfft, Sam would you care to show me around school?" "I thought you'd never ask."

Sam says wrapping her arm around Gregor's as they walk off, Danny watching them leave. " You know he's not a bad guy," Tucker says and I nod, I kind of thought Gregor was good for her, her jealousy vanished, she started acting nicer to me like before we admitted our crushes on Danny, she's even been open with her emotions a bit. "I still don't trust him," Danny says, I would roll my eyes but a part of me was wary of Gregor just a part of him seemed fake but for Sam, I'll give him a chance.

Suddenly our ghost sense goes off and we turn around to hear screaming as one of the ghost octopi pops up and flies around the corner. "We can talk more about this later!" I state, grabbing Danny's hand as we race into a closet to go ghost. We fly out and start to chase after the ghost. I split off from Danny to go a different way to trap the ghost. We meet up in a corner but the ghost phases through the locker and we soon follow into the history class where we were met with a bunch of tentacle slaps to the face.

 I rub the sore spot on my face as I glare at the ghost as he flies down towards the pool. After making sure Danny was fine we start to chase him again where we jump into the pool to find... the GIW. They both had some sort of torpedo gun  and both were shot as we swam out of the way when we hear "Firing ghost depth charge, prepare for the great white whale!"

"Wait! Those are only for-" It was too late a small glowing tube was dropped from the belt buckle and landed on the ground. While the two were distracted Danny tapped my shoulder and pointed up; I give a quick nod as we start to swim up. The pool door slams open to reveal Lancer with a book and toast in hand.

"Ah, the perfect way to spend lunch: Shakespeare by the pool and dry white toast," Just as he was about to sit down the water in the pool exploded up as Danny and I flung up and phased through the roof. Lancer squeezed the water out of his toast before taking notice of the two men in the pool. " Hopereta October!" "Deepwater use!" The one GIW uttered before passing out. It was late at night and Danny had called me and Tucker out for a meeting where he proceeded to tell us his theory.

 "Think about it, Gregor shows up so do the Guys in White. He's got the whole white hair, white clothes thing so do the Guys in White and what's with the phony accent and that pfft thing?" Danny explains making quotations with his fingers and copying the wrist flick thing Gregor likes to do. "So you're saying Gregor's a spy?" Tucker asked and Danny responded with "And I'm saying that maybe I should keep an invisible eye on him and Sam."

Danny began to walk away as Tucker and I ask in unison "What?!" "I dunno, you're gonna spy on Sam?" Tucker asked and I crossed my arms stating "You're being overprotective, if you feel like Gregor is hiding something, there are better ways to figure it out Danny, you're going to betray her trust like this." "Eh, it's for her own good, she'll thank me later," Danny said, going invisible as he flew up Tucker soon shouting as Sam and Gregor walk up.

"It's a bad idea!" "Shouting angrily into the sky, very Euro goth. I like it," Gregor says flipping Tucker's beret back to where he can't see. "Enjoy your date, have her back by ten!" I shout to them when Danny flies back down and puts Tucker's hat back on the right way. "It's still a bad idea!" Tucker shouts before turning to me. "Are you not gonna stop him?"

 "I would but that boy learns his lessons through experience besides he'll see that Gregor's harmless. You've still got some time before you have to be back home right? Want to hang out at the mall?" "Yes! I mean yeah sure!" Tucker says excitedly as we make our way to the mall, me looking back with a frown, hoping Danny doesn't ruin their date. Throughout the night Danny watched the two on their date from tossing rocks on a lake to watching a movie at the theaters to eating dinner at the mall.

 "Oh man, if they share a strand of that spaghetti I'm gonna hurl..." "You're right (y/n), this is good!" Tucker says sucking on the straw of a chocolate combination from a cafe. "Glad to hear it," I say with a grin when his confession came into mind, how could I forget about that? And I even promised to talk to Tucker about his crush...Guess now is a good time as any...

"Hey uh, Tucker? How have you been?" "Huh, I'm doing fine see?" Tucker says confused before giving me a smile. "No, I meant with your feelings we haven't really talked about your crush on me," I tell him spinning my staw with my fingers, and his face drops.

"Oh, so you remember that huh?" "Yeah, I do. I'm sorry I haven't talked to you about it." "You don't need to apologize especially since I already know your answer: You don't feel the same," Tucker says glumly and I set down my drink and hug him. "While yes, I don't have those types of feelings for you, I still love you, you're like a brother to me and though there's not much I can do to help get you over these feelings, I'll still do what I can," I soon feel Tucker hug me back as he whispers a thank you in my ear.

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