Secret Weapons: Part 5

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"Well, that's that for now, I'll send for the rest of your things as soon as the lawyer draws up the adoption papers," Vlad tells Jazz before leaving the room Jazz soon mumbling "That's right keep laughing, we'll see who laughs last...Ooo that's good! My witty banter is improving!" (Who's going to tell her?) In the Ghost Zone, we were heading straight for Skulker's island when suddenly one of the many doors flys open and hits us in the face. Ow... "Excellent, all my tasks completed," Skulker mumbled looking over the metal staff in his hand. "Where is she?!" Danny then shouts, earning Skulker's attention. "What are you talking about Whelp?" He asks as we continue to glare at him as we both send an ectoblast his way.

Skulker flies out of the way just as Technus comes out of the door in a towel shouting "Which of you fools stole my-" Our ectoblasts hit him and he's sent back through the door, I'm guessing that staff that Skulker has was stolen from Technus. "Hey, you're helping too!" Skulker says with a smile when Danny kicks him back. "That's odd, no witty banter?" He asks us and Danny tells him:

"Not in the mood, all we want to know is what you've done with Jazz!" "I've done nothing with your sister ghost boy. Skulker hunts what he hunts, nothing more, nothing less which is why I'm bringing this to my employer," He raises the staff before blasting us and then throwing a cube that surrounded us as we fell into unconsciousness. 

"You two will be a gift," Jazz was walking around the manor looking for any clues that could help her when she stumbled upon Vlad's private study and watched through the door as Vlad opens a secret door by the fireplace by moving a golden football statue forward. She walks in and looks around when she spots his computer and hacks into it to, lots and lots of photos of Maddie. "Okay let's see what do we have in here about nanobots and an Ecto Converter? AH! Gross! I will never be able to unsee this!"

She shouts slamming the laptop close when she heard the fireplace start to open and out of panic grabbed a random book which just so happened to be his college yearbook and plopped into a chair.

Vlad walks out dusting himself off when he takes notice of Jazz; getting angry he walks over asking "Jazmine? What are you doing in my private study?" "Private? Why would you have a private study from someone you consider a daughter?" Jazz asks looking up from the book to address Vlad before a photo caught her eye. " Ooo and you were such a looker in college, I wonder why this never happened..." She folded the page to show Maddie next to Vlad, who had walked behind the chair to get a closer look.

 "Ah, Jazz you sweet perceptive child, oh come give your Uncle Vlad a hug!" Jazz hops up and hugs the man soon to mumble "Keep hugging, we'll see who hugs last." "What?" "N-nothing!" Later when Vlad has supposedly gone to bed Jazz snuck back into the library and went through the secret door to find his lab. "Dad's Ecto-Skeleton? But where's the other one?" On closer inspection, she noticed that parts of the smaller Ecto-Skeleton were connected to the one so she came to the conclusion they were merged.

"The Ecto Converter and the bloodstream nanobots? I was right, he is building a superweapon! I'm right! Uh-huh! That's right! I'm right! It's my birthday! Uh-huh!" She then muttered when she saw the Ecto Converter and the nanobots in the corner before moonwalking into Vlad...

"And what exactly where you right about Jazmine?" "Um...How cool a dad you'll be..." She said with a nervous grin and Vlad hums. "And you just happened to figure this out here in my secret lab?!"

"Which is much cooler than anything my Dad could ever hope to build." "Yes, yes it is isn't it? Well perhaps I'm being a bit harsh, after all, I have no reason to suspect you of any deception," Vlad stated earning a weird look from Jazz when Skulker came in through the portal. "And now I do." "Sorry to interrupt I brought you the final piece of your superweapon," Skulker says throwing the staff to Vlad before sliding the cube with me and Danny in it over. "This one's on the house," We start to come too when we see Jazz. "Jazz?" "Danny? (s/n)?" "What are you doing here?"

All three of us asked in unison piquing Vlad's interest. "You three know each other?" "Yes." "No." Uh... "No." "Yes."  "Sorta." Vlad lets out a sigh. "I'm torn, I loved the idea that you left your father for me; yet I'm suspicious of your motives now. There's only one thing to do I guess," Wow, we got a real Sherlock Homes here, don't we? 

"Let us all go and let the courts figure it out?" Jazz asked. "Oh close," He proceeded to lock Jazz up and after an hour or two of not knowing what was going on, we were put on a football field, Jazz in the Ecto-Skeleton. The lights turned on as we looked around and Vlad appeared on the big screen. "Uncle Vlad, is this necessary?" Jazz tried to reason with him again. "Why Jazmine you didn't expect me to take you in as my own without first testing your loyalty."

Author: I feel personally attacked...Not really but this...Video...Hit to close to home...Even got the right character. Like the weird weeb I am I have the husbando *insert smirk emoji here*

Author: You don't need to remind me of the obvious!!!! *goes to corner and sulks while growing mushrooms*

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