Micromanagement: Part 7

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"I'm so sorry! I-I don't know what came over me and just," I began to ramble on, refusing to meet Danny's eyes out of embarrassment when thankfully Dash interrupted me. " Way to go dudes! I knew I could count on you." "Yeah well without my powers that made two of us so thanks, I couldn't have wished for better fitness buddies. Maybe you're not that bad after all."

Danny says grabbing the Fenton Crammer from me. "Thanks, hey what do you say we hang around here and stuff Fenturd's head in the toilet?! You know just for giggles," Dash starts to crack up as I crossed my arms and Danny flipped the switch, shrinking Dash again as we gave him an annoyed blank stare.

"I DON'T DO PUNY!" We hear him shout and Danny turns to me about to say something when I feel my phone ping and I see a text from my fitness buddy. "I got to go, but uh...We'll talk later ok?" Danny gives me a nod as I fly off a light shade of pink dusting my cheeks, did I just mess up? Should I have kissed him? Ugh, God what was I thinking?!

It was finally the day of the fitness test, and we watched from the sidelines as Ms. Testlaff started the timer after blowing the whistle and saying "On your mark...Get set..." Everyone took off running towards the first obstacle.

Danny, Tucker, and my buddy reached the pull bar doing a few in a row before moving on. They then started to climb rope when Danny said "Ha! Just like climbing the wires up to the ops center!"

"Or chinning up to a killer bird's nest on a tree branch of EMPTY LIES!" Tucker then chimed in as they made it to the top, hopped down, and made it to the finish line. "Well it's not record time but it's good enough to pass." "Thanks," The boys say in unison while panting. "Not you three, you three. Good job whipping those whimps into shape."

She hands Dash, Sam, and I a medal when Dash says "You do realize this is the last thing we'll ever do together, though I wouldn't mind working with you again (y/n)," He said winking at me and I shudder while Sam tells him "Count on it! Does this thing come in black?" I turn my attention to the boys when I hear Danny start to speak...More like pant. "Well, ghost beaten." "Test passed," Tucker chimed in before Danny continued. "Self-worth restored and got closer to (y/n)...Ready?" "Yeah- Wait! You got closer to (y/n)?"

Danny gave a quick nod as Tucker pointed at him stating "You're telling me about it later," The two then fall to the ground in exhaustion and I giggle at their antics while Sam grabs a few water bottles as I go to help them back up, our parents watching from the bleachers. "I'm so proud, our boy finally has the physical prowess of a sixty-year-old president! Cheers to you Son!" Jack started to tear up as Maddie poured more ice into his cup, one of those cubes containing Skulker. "Here Jack, let me freshen up that rootbeer."

After the boys felt better and got some water in their system Tucker spilled the beans. "I'm glad you two are getting along better now maybe I won't have to stay up listening to Danny rant about all the things he loves or misses about you. The dude is seriously in love!" Danny's face goes red as he shouted "TUCKER!" I try to hold in my laughter but fail miserably as Danny looks at me with an embarrassed look as he shouted "WHAT?!" "You're pouting," I say a few giggles escaping me as Danny hides his face in his hands as I smile and shake my head at the boy.

The Other Halfa: Part II - Danny Phantom the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now