Kindred Spirits: Part 5

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The Spector Speeder flies high up into the sky and opens up as Sam throws the Boooooooomerang whispering to it "Ok find Danny and (y/n)," She sits down and points at it exclaiming "Tucker! Follow that stupidly named tracking device!" Danny and I continued to struggle free from our restraints when a hologram of Maddie appeared and turned on the machine powering it to level four. Power surged through the machines as we started to glow blue, the transformation rings appearing as we slowly started to transform. We fought back against the process as the rings kept moving up and down, up and down and Plasmius came over to see what the problem was.

"Well?" He asks looking from the hologram of Maddie to us as it tells him "Subjects are still resisting morf dear heart," It turned the amount of power up to six but as we continued to restrain the morf the screen started to flash showing the word OVERLOAD. "Containment chambers beginning to overload," The machine short-circuits as the screen shatters, the machine shutting down as it let out steam.

"Whoopsie has overloaded," The containers holding us explode with a huge cloud of dust. Confused Plasmius walks over and gasps to see us in our ghost form, but free as I grasped Danny's hand and we phased through Plasmius, flying away, using the smoke as cover. "AGH! I will-" Plasmius starts to shout as he turns around to see Danielle and (b/n) in their ghost form floating in front of him. "Danielle, (b/n) how long have you two been floating there?" He asks nervously as tears start to build up in Danielle's eyes as she asks "Are we imperfections? Are we mistakes?!" 

Tears started to slip down her cheeks as (b/n) comfort her, glaring at Plasmius as he asked "Well? What do you have to say?!" "What?! Haha, dearies, I wasn't talking about you two, I was talking about the other clones!" He gestures to a clone of me that flies out and lands on the floor, as it tried to get up it began to melt away into ectoplasm with a scream.

The two let out a scream in fear, holding each other in a tight hug as Plasmius tells them "I know, it's horrible, isn't it? That's why I need Daniel's and (y/n)'s DNA to stabilize you two, my greatest creations."

"Really?" (b/n) asked skeptically and Plasmius gives him an upset look with a nod. "Uh-huh, but here's what I need you to do,"  The Spector Speeder speeds through a very beautiful valley as Logan asked, "Where are we?" "Somewhere near the Wyoming, Colorado border...Hey look there's a jackalope and there's a mongoose," Logan pulled on Tucker's shoulder gaining his attention as he shouts "Tucker! Dive!" All three look ahead to see they were about to collide with an airplane before they shot down and followed the Boooooooomerang through the river.

 Sam was clutching onto Logan's shirt causing said boy's face to flare up with a blush as Tucker asked "Sweet! Can we take the same route back?" We phase up into Vlad's living room and look around as Danny starts to ask "Which way should we-" He was cut off when an ectoblast shot from underneath us and another shot us from the side causing us to slam and slide down the wall.

"You're not going anywhere," Danielle says as the two shoots at us, Danny bringing me closer as a shield pops up to protect us. "Stop fighting, you know you're too weak to beat us," (b/n) stated as the two charged up another ectoblast.

"We're not gonna fight you!" Danny shouts and I chime in with "Every time we fight a clone they turn to goop," I then point down and the look down at their feet with a gasp to see they were melting.

Their ectoblasts turn to nothing and the goop reforms back onto the two as we get up and walk over to them. "But you two aren't mindless like those other clones we don't want to hurt you," Danny exclaims holding his hands up as Danielle tells us "Then let our father have your morf DNA so he can save us!" "He's not going to save you! He's using you! You two are nothing but a mess he's not gonna clean up!" Danny and I shout in unison hoping the message gets across. 'You're a liar!" Danielle shouts as she shoots at Danny who had come closer knocking him out.

"Danny!" I cry as I fly over to him as the two walk over and I state "Think about it, I know you're smart what would we gain from lying to you? Vlad Plasmius is using you to get our morf DNA to create clones of us! Once that's done he won't care what happens to you two, heck he might consider destroying you!" (b/n) glared at me before shooting me, knocking me unconscious as he says "We're going to prove you're lying!"

 I wake up and look at my surroundings, on the other side of the room was a clone of me and Danny, in front of us was Plasmius, and next to our chambers was Danielle and (b/n). They look up at us quickly then turn to Plasmius before we could give them a pleading look. "All secure Dad." "I still don't know how I'm going to get them to morf," Vlad says and my eyes widen as I slowly start to realize what he was about to do.

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