Livin' Large: Part 5

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"Okay so the plan is for us to go inside and see how bad it is we'll then call (y/n) and fill her in on what's happening as we look for a way to get her in," Sam explains as we approach Fenton Works and she pulls out a grappling hook. I give a nod and fly up into the air and go invisible as I watch the three get to work. "Okay, stand back you two."

 She throws the hook onto the roof before hearing it hit somebody and they look up with panic as the guy in white looks over the edge at them. "Oh no..." I mumble as the three were dragged inside and probably locked up. "You can't keep us here! I know the law! I read a graphic novel version of The Constitution!" Sam shouted at GIW in front of her.

She, Logan, and Tuck had been handcuffed to a pole down in the lab. "We just need you out of the way while we finish our mission," One of them says and Logan retorts back "You mean destroying the world?" "Part of it yes, the nasty ghost-infested part. Won't that be nice?" (No)"But you're wrong if you destroy the Ghost Zone you also destroy-" Sam tried to tell them before being cut off with a hand in her face.

"Hey kids, lighten up we're the good guys. We wear white remember?" (debatable) A beeping sound was heard and another GIW sighed. "Well, the password does not include the words Fenton, (l/n), Jack, Maddie, (f/n), (m/n), or world's best mom." "Keep trying, don't let these meddling kids slow us down." "Cool, I always wanted to be called a meddling kid!" Tuck exclaims excitedly as Sam and Logan roll their eyes at him. "Super. Now you can die happy," Danny had stepped into another large empty room as he called out "Hello?"

 To be honest, he had been looking for me, ever since I had left my words and continuously echoed in his head and he wanted to not only apologize but help as well. Seeing no one was in the room his mind went back to my words. " You've clearly lost who you are. I miss the Danny that I  had deep feelings for. He was a hero because it was the right thing to do, not for the glory. The Danny I know not only cared for the ones he loved but for everyone. They can't feel, so it's not real. Or is the real thing not good enough for you?"

"Care for a shake?" Danny hears, startling him out of his thoughts as he turned to face the butler and turned down the shake. "No thanks Hopkins, no appetite." "Forgive me, Master Daniel, you seem a tad bummed, did your milkshake straw become clogged?"

Hopkins asked trying to find the source of his master's unhappiness. "I'm just going through some stuff..." Danny says, trailing off soon to hear another suggestion from the butler. "Perhaps a rousing game of Caveman Car Theif could quicken the pulse?" "I've played my video games, bought tons of extra junk, counted my money again...It's just not satisfying, especially since (y/n) isn't around."

 "Dare I say there is more to life than wealth. What would you suppose your purpose might be Master Daniel?" Hopkins asks, Danny mulling it over for a second. "Huh lately being a rich jerk." "Does that feel like the real you?" He asks again and my words ring in Danny's head again as he answers "Not exactly." "It seems to me your friends Tucker, Sam, Logan, and especially your girlfriend (y/n) know the real you."

"You think?" Danny asks. "Certainly more than those four automatons in your room. A good friend is like a good butler: indispensable and loyal for life." "Thanks, Hopkins um...There's something important the real me needs to help out with later! Suddenly got my appetite back!"

Danny exclaims grabbing the milkshake as he made his way to help. "Mom! Dad! Mr. and Mrs. (l/n)! Is the new portal fini- Huh? Where is everybody?" Danny races to the lab to surprisingly find it empty when he is answered by the drill.

"Mr. and Mrs. Fenton have gone to the theater with the (l/n)s." "Reality drill, I need to get into the Ghost Zone quick! What's your ETA on breaking through?" Danny asks the drill as he runs up to it and it asks "Ghost Zone? Breaking through?" "Yeah! Ghost Zone! You're a drill, you're drilling to get to the Ghost Zone remember?" That's when Danny takes notice of the neon light at the end and he reads a sticker. "For novelty purposes only? Wait you're not really a reality drill?" "No, but I make a mean ecto latte," It stated before handing him the latte as Danny grumbled "Good purchase Dad..."

He runs down the room, jumping into the air and doing a flip as he goes ghost and flies off to find me. Danny approaches Fenton Works to see guards everywhere. "Woah, it's a GIW invasion force." "Ghost!" He soon hears and looks to see one of them shooting an ectoblast at him when Danny suddenly feels someone tackle him out of the way. "(s/n)?" 

He questions as I pull him up higher. "Focus!" I tell him as we continue to dodge ectoblasts and Danny flies us out of sight. "So you finally decided to help?" I ask crossing my arms and he nods stating "Yeah, and I'm sorry I've been such a huge jerk lately." "Apology accepted, for now, they have Sam, Tuck, and Logan, and the place is swarming with GIW, there's no way in without getting captured." I run Danny down.

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