The Fright Before Christmas: Part 3

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Author: For those of you who don't follow me, the reason why this chapter was late was that my brother has joined the Navy and he was being shipped off to boot camp today and I wanted to be there when he left so I could say goodbye which took longer than expected and I'm going to prioritize school over this book (even if I don't want too...) Now if you'll excuse me I'll be in my brother's room crying out my heart from missing him since I haven't had a chance yet. *locks self in his room*

"Huh, what got into him?" Mom was quick to wonder, Jack giving a quick smirk stating. "He takes after his mother." "Can't blame you for losing your cool little brother. Go ahead clear your head and I think you'll be fine." Jazz soon mumbled as we watched him run off, my expression soon deflating. Just as Danny flew high into the sky, the presents under the tree soon followed after. "But taking our presents is crossing the line!" I grumbled soon running out and chasing whereafter.

More and more presents appeared as they followed Danny wherever he was near. A gasp was let out as Danny looked on with a sneer. "You're ripping off gifts? What is that supposed to do?" Danny asked the moon. "A. Make a huge scene and B. Blame it on you," Out came the townsfolk shouting and fuming as the continued to sing their unhappy tune. A shot was soon made sending Danny in fumes.

Down saw his parents who as usual kept to their assumes. "You've ruined our night." "Drink some Anti-Ghost Tonic!" Jack shouted, (s/n) appeared dragging Danny down with her. "Wait I ruined their night? How's that for ironic?" Danny asked as he flew away from the situation that was so bizarre. "So the two did soar, through the crisp evening-" "Look! What's a guy gotta do to get outta this book?!" 

Danny shouted as loud as he could, an idea soon struck. "And then Danny thought..." "Wait my problem is clear, this poem's about Christmas which is here, here and here. This curse will stay on me from my town to Rome. But he can't Christmas me in a non-Christmas home," Danny said with excitement, happy with his luck. Detransforming with a smile, Danny drags (y/n) to the door and rings the bell. The door opens to reveal Sam, who looked like she had walked through hell. "Sam!" "Danny said." "Oh for crying out loud."

"I know, can't you see we're all under a cloud. Every present we had, in the chimney up through it. That might work for you but that's not how we do it!" Sam exclaimed, pointing at the mess of a room. Danny looked inside to see everyone's face filled with gloom. "And (y/n) saw sad faces on Sam's mom, dad, and granny. So typed on my keyboard that the blame was on Danny." Ghost Writer typed quickly. "You...You did this!" (y/n) soon shouted sickly. "Are you out of your mind?!" "You've been nothing but the holiday Scrooge, do you think that I'm blind? You took everyone's presents too and you think I'm out of my mind?!"

 (y/n) shouted a feud starting between the two. "And Danny and (y/n) found themselves in a spat. But before Dan could calm her I soon realized that a new threat was needed to cut through the noise and what better way than attack of the toys?!" Toys began to spin and fly together to create a monstrous nutcracker, I'm sad to say it's true. "From all the town, the toys started to merge. I'm really quite wicked when I get the urge." Sam slammed the door shut while Danny and I went ghost. "On this night before Christmas, a brand new attacker. And now face the wrath of my monster nutcracker!" "Aw nuts!" Danny said, grabbing my hand and running past the lamp post.

 "Danny cried as he started to run. Must we end every scene with a terrible pun?" Ghost Writer grumbled as he continued to write. The nutcracker's foot slammed down, missing us by a hair since Danny had grabbed me and went intangible with a fright. Flying up into the air, Danny was soon grabbed.

He was tossed over and over as the nutcracker had him dragged. Saving him one again, (s/n) appeared grabbing him and high tailing it out of there. An ectoblast was shot, destroying the toys without care. Again, and again the toys blew, flying across the town in complete rubble. "You think this can stop me? This bear or this train? I'll just fire away till no pieces remain!" He shouted, destroying the toys, devastating the town, leaving Danny in trouble. "Nothing to add?" "Danny asked the answer showed up in the form of Sam, (y/n), Tucker, and Lancer. And Jazz standing silent, her eyes filled with tears, mourning the bear she had loved all these years. And Tucker, Sam, and (y/n) felt that crushing blow too." "Danny don't."

 "What's your deal?" "I don't even know you!" His friends said with a glare his stare soon landing on the girl he loved dear. Her head was down, a frown on her features as she looked up and told him with slight fear...

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