King Tuck: Part 6

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With a quick finger ectoblast, the Saluki disappeared into nothing and we tumbled on the ground for a few moments. As we got back on our feet we watched as Hotep Rah started to chase after Tucker mumbling "I guess I'll have to take care of the Pharaoh myself!" "Somebody help me!" Tucker shouted as Sam grabbed a hold of a loose bandage and Paulina helped tug on it till Hotep Rah fell to the ground in a pile of dust.

Tucker races over to grab the sceptor but was to late as he rose up again shouting "I am. RISEN!" "Do you say that every time you wake up?" Tucker asked as Rah instructed the Sphinx to finish this.

"Uh oh," We mumble as the Sphinx hops and knocks us out of the air and we slide in front of everyone at their feet. "Ghost kids! Do something ghost kids!" Paulina called out and Danny said as we tried to get up. "We can't...To powerful..." "Okay, now we're doomed," Sam mutters when I eye Tucker and get up. "We do have one shot at this, Tucker right? You've gotta talk to that thing, command it to stop." "Me? Are you nuts?! The sceptor controls it!"

Tucker said gesturing towards where Rah was as I continued. "Maybe, but maybe it's loyal to the king and for right now that's you," I start to say when Danny catches on saying "Yeah, that's right it might listen to you!" "Somebody besides (y/n) should've," Tucker mutters crossing his arms and Danny gives his apology. "I know, and I'm sorry," Smiling for a moment Tucker steps up with a gulp mumbling before giving his command "Well, here goes nothing. Uh, heel." He instructs nervously holding down his clothes as the Sphinx shouts before obeying.

Its eyes turn green as it heels and Tucker gains more confidence in his next command. Seeing what was happening Rah shot the Sphinx with a command. "What?! No! Sphinx! Destroy him!" Once again its eyes glow red as it growls and Tucker gives another command. "Hello?! King talking here, be still my Sphinx, lay down!" Its eyes glow green and it lays down on its back happily wagging its tail.

"How is this possible?! I control the sceptor!" Danny takes this opportunity to rip the sceptor out of Hotep Rah's hands saying "Not anymore Dusty!" Danny flies higher up as I appear flying towards Rah and punch him sending flying to Tucker's feet.

"Shall I grape you my liege or- or smite thy foes?" "Nah, I got a better idea. Hey, Sphinxy sick em!" He points at Rah as he starts to run the Sphinx's eyes turning red as it began to chase after the ghost all around the city. "Well, now I know why they call these things ruins," Danny tells me as we land a little ways from everyone and I give him a hug and then kissing him.

"You know we wouldn't need to hide to show affection if Tucker and Sam knew about you," Danny tells me as we pull away. "I know which is why now that we're all figured out I think it's time we tell them, I was thinking during our cross-country trip we've been planning for the Summer?" Danny smiles and leans down to kiss me before saying "That's a great idea, c'mon we better head back to everyone," We fly over to our friends as Sam walks over complimenting Tucker. "Nice work Tucker." "Thanks, woman," Tucker jokes before admitting it was a joke after receiving Sam's glare.

"I gotta admit it was pretty cool the way you got that Sphinx to listen to you without this stupid sceptor," Danny said as Tucker grabbed the sceptor stating "Yeah, but I'm much more commanding with the sceptor. Which is why I say we all go back to the school debate and nobody remembers this except me, Danny, (s/n), (y/n), and Sam."

Tucker slams the sceptor down on the ground as another explosion erupted and we were all teleported back into the auditorium with everything back to normal. "Nice one, I'll take this now," Danny says grabbing the sceptor when we heard Lancer's voice. "Mr. Fenton, Miss. Manson, Miss (l/n), back to your seats this is not a group debate."

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