Kindred Spirits: Part 1

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"File ten, four o six VM," The screen cuts to a clip of Valerie shooting her ecto gun before showing Danny and me in our ghost forms dodging the blasts as we fly towards her, our fists glowing. "Stop. Analysis," The clip stops on us as multiple information boxes and graphs appeared with a thermal and skeleton imagery appears. Plasmius stares at the screen for a minute longer stating "File one o four o six VX," An image of Valerie, Danny, and I glaring at each other appears. "Stop. Analysis," More graphs pop up. "File eighteen seventy-four MI. Analysis," A clip of Danny and me flying in the sky pops up with more graphs.

"File twenty-four sixteen SM. Stop. File thirty-two ninety-nine IM. Stop. Analysis. Conclusion?" He asks more and more images of Danny and me from all angles pop up before a loading screen appeared. After a few seconds, Maddie's face shows on the screen as her robotic voice rings out. "I'm sorry sweetheart inconclusive data. Experiment cannot be completed without mid-morf sample."

"Bah! The equipment I gave Valerie to fight ghosts has been monitoring Daniel and (y/n) for months and I'm still missing the one piece I need!" Plasmius states snapping his fingers as three containers in the background set free three ghosts. "You know what to do," He tells them as they say in unison "Yes father," They all fly off to accomplish their task as Plasmius says to himself "Father I do so love that! Now say it again, the way I programmed you too."

He turns to the screens with Maddie's face on it as her robotic voice echos out "Jack Fenton is an idiot. I am glad I serve you!" The phrase is repeated over and over as more screens appeared making a giant screen with a big Maddie head as Plasmius laughed away before continuing on with his experiments. 

Sam, Tucker, Logan, and I were at the putt-putt course playing at hole 18: The windmill. It was currently Sam's turn as she lines up her shot and hits the ball. We watch as it nears the mill and hits one of the blades causing the ball to roll back as Sam exclaims "Ugh darn it!" "Eighteenth hole Sam, I beat you here, I win," Tucker says lining up his shot as Sam's eye twitches, only calming down when Logan puts his hand on her shoulder stating:

" Tucker, you're only in the lead because (y/n) and I aren't taking this too seriously if we were it'd be a tie between me and her. It also doesn't help that you've been trying to distract us so you can win," Tucker makes his shot, his ball lining right next to mine. After I putt mine into the hole, Tucker walking up next to take his since Sam had gone over the strokes. 

Tucker goes to gently hit his ball but nothing happened, the ball stayed put. Tucker lets out a gasp as Sam tells him "That's one," We watch as Tucker tries to hit the ball but his club phased through, I cover my mouth and hold in my laughter when I realized what was going on as Sam continued to say "And two, three, four, and five. Ha! Logan wins!!!" Sam and logan high-five as Tucker angrily goes to grab his ball when his hand phases through and Danny's head pops up.

"Boo!" He shouts scaring Tucker. "Danny! Knock it off!" "Yeah, you were supposed to be here an hour ago! By the way that still counts," Sam chimes in reprimanding Danny before turning to Tucker with a smirk. "Wait, you guys know the ghost boy?!" Logan asked shock written all over his face as he looks around asking "Does that mean you know the ghost girl too?!" "That's what we wanted to talk to you about I answer and he looks back at me with a raised eyebrow.

It had been two months since Logan had moved in with my family and like everyone else, we didn't tell him what we do and a week ago Sam came up to us saying we should tell Logan the truth since he'll be staying. Though I have a feeling the true reason she wanted him to know is so there won't be a fallback if he learns without us telling, especially since she and him have become buddy-buddy.

"Logan since you're staying here and since you'll be hanging out with us, you deserve to know the truth about us, Danny show him," I say as Logan's attention turns to Danny who flew behind a rock where he detransforms and walks out to reveal my boyfriend as he tells us "Sorry I'm late, but you'll be happy to know that the ghost king won't be..." He trails off when he sees all of our really? faces and he knew we weren't buying it.

 "Ok, I overslept," He admitted as Sam started to go off on him. "Ugh, Danny! You have got to start being more considerate." "Yeah, dude, lately you've been treating us like sidekicks instead of friends and you and (y/n) are the ones to get into a fight, we're the ones who take the beating."

"Oh come on, name one time," Danny said crossing his arms as Sam, Tucker, and I give him a deadpan look before reminding him when we fought Skulker at the Molasses factory and Sam and Tucker were hit with Skulker's missiles because we went intangible, covering them in molasses or when we had shoved Cujo back into the Ghost Zone and he popped his head back out licking Sam and Tucker because we had gone intangible, or the last incident when we had fought the lunch lady in her meat armor and she stepped on Sam and Tucker because Danny had grabbed my hand and flew us out of the way.

 "Okay, okay, I get I'll try to be a little more considerate!" Danny said as Logan asks "What are you all talking about?" "We're the ghost kids and we fight ghosts," I tell him, going ghost to show him as he runs up and hugs me soon petting my hair. "My best friend is the ghost girl and is dating the ghost boy! This is the greatest day ever!" "Do you have any questions?" Sam asked but before he could answer our ghost sense went off as Danny muttered "Starting tomorrow..."

The Other Halfa: Part II - Danny Phantom the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now