Urban Jungle: Part 7

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"Ah, Danny it's good to see you, have you defeated Undergrowth?" Frostbite asks as we land down on the ground, Danny nodding.

 "Yeah, but we could still use your help, do you mind teaching (y/n) what you taught me?" Frostbite looks over my shivering form before nodding and leading me to the de-icing chamber. After getting somewhat warm and clean clothes on we were lead to a coliseum where Frostbite's people were watching from the stands. "W-why are so many people watching?' I ask but before Frostbite could give the same excuse he had told Danny, he responded first. "They're hoping that you mess up."

 "Ah," I simply put it rolling my eyes, if they were that desperate for entertainment why not invent ways to entertain yourselves? "Lesson number one: stop shivering," He tells me and I raise my eyebrow up as a silent how? "Let your energy build up until it has nowhere to go but out," He tells me and I focus on doing just that. Within a few seconds, a cold blast shoots out and I feel fine. "Hey, it worked! Oh..."

 I trail of closing one of my eyes as I look over the Frozen Frostbite and Danny both with smiles and a thumbs-up. After thawing them out we went back to training. 

"Here let me show you," Danny says stepping up when Frostbite stopped him saying "No, Danny I would like it if you don't help her and if you could stand over there while she trains," He points to the exit as Danny raises his eyebrow but after getting no response back he shrugs and watches from afar. Within the hour I manage to master the ice power and Frostbite praises me. "Nice work (y/n), you've got the hang of it now then," He turns and gestures for Danny to come over and started to tell us something shocking.

 "It's been made clear that you both can use this new power but when you two work together from now on, the cold that you both produce will become so cold it becomes hot as if it were fire. I believe as long as you work together one of you will be able to use the power of snow and ice and the other will use the power of fire, that is why I had her train alone so he could get the hang of it. Now we will be testing this theory."

 He turns to two puck shooters before explaining what was going to happen. "Two will be shot, (y/n) you will be shooting the left puck, Danny you the right, if what I said is to be true, one of you will shoot out fire."

We both nod and prepare to attack, we watch as the two pucks shoot out into the air. Danny throws an ice blast at his puck and I go to shoot mine but instead of an ice blast, a blue flame shot out from my hand and melted the puck. Danny and I give each other a look before smiling and saying "Cool!" 

"Though our people are not familiar with the firepower it is possible it works like the ice power, either way just remember that you control the power, it doesn't control you," We give a nod and thanks to him before heading back home.

Author: Thank you to @smutreader34 for the idea for (y/n) to have the power of fire

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