Secret Weapons: Part 4

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"Wait...Where'd you get this?" He asks as he stood up. "From your computer," Jazz said nonchalantly which only angered Danny more. "You hacked into my private ghost files?! How'd you get the password?!" I shrug, Danny never told me his password and I never bothered to guess but Sam, Tucker, and Jazz gave Danny a blank stare stating in unison "It's (y/n) Fenton." "Seriously Danny, it's not that hard to figure out."

Sam said as I tried to cover my blush with my hand when Jazz spoke up again. "How come you never told me, Vlad Masters has ghost powers and he has a thing for Mom?" "Because it's none of your business!" Danny shouted, realizing the situation was heating up quickly, Sam, Tucker, and I started to crawl out of the closet, Sam saying:

"If you don't mind, we'll be over there doing the Glad I'm an only child dance," It's not that I didn't want to help Danny tell his sister she needs to stop but with the way, the conversation was going someone was going to end in tears and this concerns a brother-sister talk. "Danny, calm down," Jazz said once the door was closed to just a crack. "Calm down?! How can I calm down with you constantly butting your nose where it doesn't belong?!" Jazz purses her lips before trying to explain. "I was just trying to help-" "Nobody asked you to help! You're a lousy ghost hunter, an overbearing sister, and an annoying, obnoxious know-it-all who has NO RESPECT FOR HER BROTHER'S PRIVACY, SO STOP HELPING!"

Danny's shouts could be heard as people started gathering around the door, eavesdropping. My hunch was then proven correct as Jazz came running out in tears, everyone glaring at Danny when he came out. The next morning I felt mom shake me awake, opening my eyes I yawn and stretch. "Mom? Dad? What's going on?" "(y/n) have you seen Jazz?" "Huh? Jazz? I haven't seen her since yesterday, why?" I ask raising an eyebrow when dad delivered the news. "Neither have we or the Fentons, we can't find her anywhere, she's gone!"

 "Get dressed, we're gonna help the Fentons look for her," Mom says as she dialed a number on her phone, my parent's voices drowning out as they walked downstairs. "If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times! I. Will. Not. Be. Your. Friend!" Plasmius shouted at Climper as he threw him through the portal when the doorbell rang.

"Oh, what now?!" He detransforms as he makes his way upstairs grumbling as the bell kept ringing. He opens the door to see Jazz in tears. " Oh Uncle Vlad, I've run away from home, my father's an idiot, my brother hates me, and I wanna live with you!" Jazz started sobbing in her hands again as Vlad's eyes widen. "Wait what was that?" "I've run away from home?" "N-no after that."

"My brother hates me?" "No, in the middle!" "My father's an idiot?" "That's the one! Come to Uncle Vlad," He said ushering her inside. We were all in the Fenton living room as Jack paced around the room.

"It's not like Jazz to just take off without saying anything," Maddie said tapping her chin in thought. "I know, she usually talks and talks and talks...Big words I can barely understand," (Shit that triggered flashbacks to when I was 4...Does anyone else remember that hand puppet show? Where'd the characters were just hands with google eyes? Shit now that's gonna be stuck in my head) Jack said using his hand as a puppet. "Danny, (y/n) can either of you think of any reason why she might be upset?" Mom asked and then dad chimed in. "Or why she might've taken the Spector Speeder?"

Danny furells his eyebrows as he began to think when he mumbled "She's after Skulker..." "Makes sense that she'd want to prove you wrong..." I mumble back when our parents ask "What was that?" "Uh...I mean we're so upset about her leaving we're going to skulk-er...Gotta go!" Danny told them as he grabbed my hand and raced to the lab. "I told her she was a lousy ghost hunter so of course, she decided to prove me wrong and hunt Skulker! But if anything happens to her now it's my fault," Danny mutters as we go ghost and fly into the Ghost Zone. 

"C'mon Danny don't beat yourself up too hard about it, we'll find her." The phone rings and Jack calls out. "608 area code...Hey, that's Wisconsin! It's Vladdy!" Maddie walks over with my parents in tow and puts the call on speakerphone.

"Mom? Dad?" Jazz's voice rings out. "Hello? Jazz? Jazz, honey are you alright? Why are you in Wisconsin?" Maddie asks and Jazz's sniffles could be heard. "I'm fine, I just can't be around Danny right now, so I'm staying with Uncle Vlad-" "WHAT?!" Maddie and my parents shout as Vlad takes the phone. "Oh think nothing of it, Maddie, she just needs to as the young folks say chill in." "Out. It's chill out," Jazz corrects him and he covers the speaker for a moment. "Really? That can't be right-" "Absolutely-" Maddie started to shout when Vlad cut her off. "Absolutely?! Fantastic! I'll look after her as if she were my own, ta~"

The line goes dead. "What a great guy, good luck finding friends like that huh? I'm sure she'll be fine."(I know a devil who is nicer than Vlad *cough cough* Lucifer MorningStar *cough cough*)  "I suppose," Maddie says with an exasperated sigh when Jack leaned in close. "In the meantime, Danny and (y/n) are on a date, Jazz is safe in Wisconsin, we have the house to ourselves...I'll get the checkered board!" He shouts before running off my parents and Maddie rolling their eyes in amusement.

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