Girls' Night Out: Part 6

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"Girls! Sam, let's hear what Jazz has to say, that was the deal, we try your plan first, and if it failed we try her's," I tell Sam as our moms separated the two. "It was Kitty's kiss that made all the men disappear right? So if we get her to blow another and Ember hits that same chord on her guitar, we can reverse the curse and break the spell," Jazz explains and Sam points out "Yeah but the spell makes men disappear, how do we get them back?"

Jazz presses a button as the device our moms were working on earlier appears. "With the Maddie Modulator! Sorry Mrs. (l/n) couldn't think of a good name that used both of your names." "It's fine," Mom says shrugging it off.

"Ooo, great name honey!" "If this can reverse spectral frequencies as you said, all we have to do is aim it at Ember's guitar and reverse the kiss as it travels across town." "Okay! But how are we going to get Kitty to blow another kiss?!" Sam asks, throwing her hands into the air as I speculate. "They'll need to think that there are still some males left in town..." "Exactly one or two of us is going to have to dress up as a boy..." Jazz mumbles everyone's attention turning to me and Sam. "Oh come on! This is because I wear boots right?" Sam asks and I roll my eyes at her. "Hm don't think they're biting anymore," Jack mumbles causing Danny, Logan, and dad to give each other a look as Danny asks "Anymore?" Suddenly Danny's ghost sense goes off and the boat was flung up into the air as they all crashed into the water, the monster destroying their boat. 

"New pet? Or is this the girlfriend I've been hearing so much about?" Danny asks causing Logan to ask "Wait...Skulker has a girlfriend?" "I know, unbelievable right?" Danny says when Skulker speaks up. "You'd be surprised the creatures I find when I'm hunting," Tapping the red lizard-like monster's head as it jumps in the water, swallowing Danny and Logan. Gasping Jack and dad swim over to where the two were in a panic, shouting their names.

They turn around to see the monster swimming away just as their fishing poles floated back up to the surface; grabbing the poles they fling the line at the monster, Jack shouting "Drop our kids you Jurassic jerk!" 

The lines snag on a scale as the two in a way water skied before being flung up into the air. As gravity does its work dad falls down and kicks Skulker, sending him off balance as he fell into the waters, dad taking control of the monster with Jack's help. 'You call this rough? I am the raining champion of the fudge festival rodeo! Eat hot cheese, Barney!"

Hot cheese was sprayed into the monster's eye, making it thrash around in the water before beaching itself as it smashed into rock formations, its mouth opening as Danny and Logan slide out from the tongue, Jack and dad rushing over and picking them up. Skulker flies forward, shooting missiles at the four as they run out of range. Getting angry Jack picks up his fishing rod once more and throws the line, the hook latching onto Skulker's teeth. 

Jack reels his line in, popping the head of Skulker's suit, the suit crashes into the water as the head hits a rock and Skulker pops out, dad grabbing him. "Welp, too small, better throw it back," He flickers Skulker into the air and Danny sucks him into the Fenton Thermos. "Dad, Mr. (l/n), that was awesome! You know for a couple of fishermen you two aren't half bad hunters." "Agreed," Logan says, nodding his head.

"Aw, thanks son, this sure has been a fun day, I just wish I knew why they call it Lake Eriee," Jack said leading his son and his friends back to the RV. The sun was setting and the three ghost girls had gathered the whole town to City Hall for a concert. "Give me a No!" "Give me a Men!" Spectra and Kitten shouted as they walked across the stage, Ember soon shouting "What does that spell?!" "NO MEN!" Sam and I heard as we approached the crowd, wearing Danny's clothes with our hair styled differently. 

"This whole day is going to require years of therapy," Sam grumbled when Jazz addressed us. "Ghost Getter numbers 3 and 4 are in position, Ghost Getter numbers 5 and 6, let's go." "Why are we 5 and 6?!" Maddie asks as Jazz and mom roll their eyes, Sam and I approaching the stage. "Hey ladies, looking good!" Sam says in a deeper voice as we hop on the stage.

"Would anyone care to join us, handsome dudes, in a masculine game of catch?" Sam asks, wrapping her arms around Kitten and Ember as I say "Or if you're looking for something a little more fun we can go back to my place, have a few beers, and see where the night goes, how bout it toots?" I ask Spectra, grabbing her hand and wiggling my eyebrows as the ladies gave us a shocked stare. 

The Other Halfa: Part II - Danny Phantom the SeriesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara