Eye for an Eye: Part 3

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"Vlad Masters for mayor?" Danny asks and I nod. "That's what I wanted to tell you." "He's a last-minute write-in candidate. At least now he's channeling his sociopathic lonely bachelor energy into something positive, but he doesn't care about other people!" Dad explains throwing his arms up as Jack states "And that's why he'll make a great politician!" We all roll our eyes at Jack as Vlad's voice soon joins in from the tv. "If elected I hope to breathe new life into this town!" He says to the public as they began to cheer.

Danny and I start taking the Vlad junk off while Jack cheered at the screen. "Aha ha! That's my Vladdie, breathing life and taking names! I'm his number one supporter and someday maybe...His running mate. Hey, maybe I need some running shoes too!" "We uh gotta go!" Danny says grabbing my hand as we round the corner and go ghost. "Did you just see a flash of light?"

Maddie asks and my parents turn around to see nothing as Jack tells her "That's only the brightness of the new dawning over our fair city. Coodos Vlad!" "They say you can't fight City Hall but they never said you can't fight in it!" Danny says as we fly over to City Hall where Vlad was finishing up an interview. "Thank you for revealing more to us than just your moles Mr. Masters!" "Oh no, no, thank you, dear lady, and remember to vote for citizen Vlad though I'm sure you will, haha and by the way, those are beauty marks." 

He tells the reporter with a  smile as she returns the smile telling him before walking off "That's debatable," Vlad begins to walk off when Danny and I grab his leg and phase him under the ground, throwing him into the pipes down below.

 "Why Daniel and (y/n), come to wish your old Uncle Vlad good luck have you?" Vlad asks cheekily as he stands up. "Save it Plasmius, whatever you're up to it ends now!" I tell him and he goes ghost.

"Oh, I assure you, my girl it is only just beginning," He flies up to punch me but I do a backflip and use my feet to kick him up and watched as he crashed through the levels of city hall. "Wow, looks like Vlad's a little rusty which is all the invitation we need," Danny comments as we fly up into the sky through the holes Plasmius had made.

Ectoblasts were shot behind us and we quickly flew out of the way "Is that it? You forgot to take your supplements, have a dose of vitamin me!" Danny taunted Plasmuis as he charged him dodging two ectoblasts before punching him twice and then kicking him. Plasmius crashed onto the roof of a building and we flew down Danny still taunting him. "You're losing your edge, why don't you move back to Wisconsin and look for it? In other words: get out of our town!" 

"Fool, do you really think I'm this weak? I'm more powerful than you'll ever know and even now my power increases, look!" Plasmius tells us as he gestures towards the voting polls where a bunch of copies of Plasmius overshadows everyone, manipulating their vote. "Oh man, he's overshadowing the voters!" Danny mumbles when we see our parents were overshadowed. "Mom! Dad!" We shout as we try to help only to be slapped away by Plasmius and we crash down into a car roof.

"Holy hanging chads! In all my days as a reporter, I've never seen such a groundswell of support for any candidate! According to the latest polls, dark horse Vlad Masters is the next mayor of Amity Park by a landslide what an upset!" We overhear the reporter say as I grumble "You're telling us," A shadow looms over us and we look up to see Plasmius about to punch us, with my quick thinking I grab Danny and move out of the way just in time.

"What is it you young folks say? Don't hate, congratulate! Oh, what do I care? Go ahead and hate," He tells us as he detransforms just as the press came over. "And here he is now: the new mayor-elect of Amity Park: Vlad Masters!" Everyone began to cheer for Vlad as he gave us a sinister look. When we came home our parents dragged us back to City Hall to listen to Vlad's victory speech. "Thank you! Thank you, one and all!" 

He started as the crowd continued to cheer except for Maddie, my parents, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, Logan, Danny, and me, we were all glaring. "Huzzah! The Fentons are a heartbeat away from the mayor's office! Next stop the white house and I'm gonna be Vlad's number two man!"

 Jack exclaims happily hugging his family as his wife tells him he's dreaming. "Am not! Why just this morning he told me when he thinks of number two he thinks of me." 'I'd like to take a moment now if I may to thank two very special people in my life," Vlad says through his microphone as Jack started to tear up. "Oh shucks-a-roonie Vladdie, save it for my swearing-in." "Come on up here Danny Fenton and (y/n) (l/n)!" It was like time had stopped when our names were called out.

The people began to cheer as our friends and family looked at us, our eyes widening, what was going on? We were only brought back when Jack grabbed a hold of us and pushed us onto the stage.

He pulled us in close as he mutters "I'm rubbing your noses in this mess you made Daniel and I'm dragging (y/n) into it doesn't it smell yummy?" He then turns to the people. "This young man and lady inspired me to pressure my true calling: politics. For that, I owe them a debt and I will pay it by protecting them and all the precious children of Amity Park. From the biggest problem facing this town: Ghosts," Oh...Fuck.

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