Boxed-Up Fury: Part 5

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"Pandora's castle rests on the other side of the lighting arch, you will be a-mazed how easy it is to find," I read from the book before looking up and spotting the maze as we float down towards the entrance. "A maze? A-mazed. Duh," Danny mumbles as we walk in as we pass a sign that Danny reads out loud. "This area protected by minotaurs. What are those again?"

 Danny asks, grabbing the book and dipping through the pages as I roll my eyes stating "Minotaur: Half man with a head of a bull, offspring of Pasiphae, wife of Minos, and had a snow-white bull sent to Minos by Poseidon for a sacrifice. They-" I start listing facts again till I saw a looming shadow and look up to see a minotaur and I point shouting "That!"

 Danny looks up to see a red minotaur, glaring and growling at us before turning around to see another one as they started closing in on us. "Uh, olé? There's no need to attack!" They both charges at us and out of instinct we both go intangible and the two head butt each other unconscious. "Now that's what I call bull-headed," Danny says as we fly through the maze when we stopped abruptly to see a centaur blocking our path.

"Woah..." Danny mutters before correcting himself. "Well I-I don't mean woah like a horse I mean woah like uh...Can you tell us how close we are to Pandora's castle?" He soon asks, giving up on his first sentence. The centaur goes on its back legs and shoots us back with its front hooves. "Does that mean you don't know?" Danny asks, rubbing his head before I pull him out of the way of more blasts. "Dude, you need to chill!"

 Danny exclaims, freezing the ground underneath before I shot a fireball at him before he could get up, causing him to get entangled in the bushes. "The next time I see you, it better be on a merry-go-round!" Danny shouts at it as we continued to fly through the maze when we stopped once again and looked up at the big purple cyclops. It lets out a shriek before shooting us with its eye laser. We quickly get up and start dodging more lasers before running deeper into the maze.

It begins to chase after us as I tell Danny, "We need to shoot its eye out, it'll blind him!" Danny nods as we round a corner and wait for it to appear. Once it rounded the corner and looked up at us we shot an ectoblast into his eye, blinding him.

"Haha! Better get some sunglasses pal! Uh well, sunglass! Uh nevermind..." Danny trails off as we continue our way, passing a police officer talking with the guard that had all the eyes as we flew into Pandora's place.  We ring the bell and that's when Danny noticed I was shaking. "(y/n) are you cold?" He asks and I shake my head with a wide smile. "No, I'm excited! I just saw two minotaurs, a centaur, and a cyclops and now I'm about to meet Pandora. The Pandora, the first woman ever made, a woman that symbolizes beauty, curiosity, charm, and cleverness! Did you know she has the ability to will things over to her hand?!"

 I go on another rant soon pointing at my hand for that last fact before the door opened and we saw Pandora herself standing before us. "Uh, Pandora?" Danny asks and she bellows "Who wants to know?!" "Uh hi there I'm (s/n) and this is my partner Danny Phantom and can I just quickly say it is an honor to meet you! Excuse me for just a moment."

I say before turning around and fangirling with a squeal, Danny smiling at me while puffing out his cheeks to keep himself from laughing at how adorable he thought I was right now as I take a deep breath to calm down and turn back around.

"My apologizes for that, we thought to tell you that we have found your box," I tell her, still smiling as she narrows her eyes, letting us explain the situation. Back in Amity Park our friends and family were still fighting the hydra and anything else that came to close.

"Get a load of my boom box!" The Box ghost shouted, opening the lid again as it blasted a small explosion next to Jack who groaned out in pain. "Jack are you alright?!" 

Mom questions running up as he points to his tongue stating "I burned my tongue on the smores!" "Foolish humans, the reign of the Box ghost has only begun!" He shouts to the citizens down below when I interject stating "Then this is going to be the shortest rule in history," He looks up to see me and Danny floating above him as Pandora flew next to us. "Uh oh. I mean uh oh for you! It is time you uh...Crumble and uh you know...FEAR ME! Uh, fear my box of terror!"

He tries to intimidate us, causing Pandora to glare as she asks angrily "Your box? Your box?!" "Oh poop..." He mutters as she comes closer, yelling at him. "That is MY box! You stole it from me and for that, you must pay!" 

She shoots an ectoblast at him but he opens the box which catches the blast and shoots it right back at her. Pandora begins to charge at the Box ghost before being blasted away again. "The Box ghost has never been this powerful before!" Danny exclaims as Pandora clenches her fists. "Ugh, he's opened the box so many times he's now filled with its energy! I thought I could handle him alone but I need your help." "Of course! What can we do to help?!" I quickly say before Danny could respond, I was too excited.

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