The Ultimate Enemy: Part 8

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We look up dreading to see our crushed friends but we were soon relieved only to find their medallion laying on the ground. "They took off their time medallions! That returned them to their time period just like Box Lunch and Skulk-Tech!" Danny exclaims happily as I tell him "Sam and Tucker are alive! Witch means we can-" We reach to take our medallions off when we were both grabbed by Dark Danny, future me in his other hand. "What? Go back with them? They're doomed anyway." 

He started to say before eyeing me stating "And you aren't going anywhere if you can't remove your time medallion. He swung the unconscious me over his shoulder as he ripped Danny's medallion off and stuck it inside him, soon doing the same to me as we faint, the last thing we hear was "In fact, you aren't going anywhere at all..." Jazz was driving around trying to find any sign of me or Danny when Sam and Tuck reappeared.

"Danny or (y/n) has to be around here somewhere," She then noticed Sam and Tuck by the Nasty Burger and began to park her car. Sam crossed her arms as she deadpanned at Tucker who was still screaming. When he noticed he was ok he looked up and asked "You got the medallions off didn't you?" "I don't accessorize well; unfortunately Danny and (s/n) are still stuck in the future fighting Danny's jerky older self and future (s/n) was hurt in the process. We've gotta help them!"

 She exclaims when Jazz's call could be heard as she walked up. "Tucker? Sam? Gotta a second? Let me answer that for you: Yes, you do. I know Danny stole the answers to the C.A.T, that he's going to cheat." "Actually Danny wasn't going to-"

Sam was cut off by Jazz who let out a huff as she said "Sam, enough! I know more than you think I do. A lot more; so I suggest when you see Danny or (y/n) you tell them I want to talk to him. Tonight because if I don't I will be talking to our parents and Mr. Lancer tomorrow." She walked off as Sam asked "Lancer knows Danny has the answers?!" "Oh man, is he in trouble," Tuck says as it clicks in Sam's head. "That's gotta, be it! Danny cheating is the thing that leads to that horrible future!" 

Sam explains grabbing onto Tucker as he pushes her away stating "Let me get this straight: Danny gets caught cheating on a test and we pay for it with our lives? How is that fair?" "Danny...Danny...Danny!" I start to call out as he opened his eyes and he sits up both of us eyeing a statue.

"Mom? Dad?" Danny questions as we looked at the stone to see Jack in the back, Maddie to his far-right, Jazz next to Maddie, dad was on Jack's far left with mom next to him and Sam and Tuck were in the middle as I read the engravement. "Gone but not forgotten," We look around a bit more to see a statue of Lancer that had sunk to the ground all that could be read was: Gone. (Good riddance, you're to blame for all this Lancer)

"And where's the Nasty Burger?" Danny questions as we stood up, though it was hard since we were tied up as I continued to look around asking "And where'd my future self go?" We see a destroyed Nasty Burger as Dark Danny approaches stating "Strange how one massive fireball of highly combustible condiments can ruin your whole future." "The time medallion..." Danny trails off looking down as Dark Danny answers him. "Fused inside you, nice huh? Intangible and unreachable whether you're ghost or human, which means you can't go back in time."

"What did you do with future me?!" I blurt out while glaring at him. "You mean my partner Dark (s/n)?" "What?" I start to ask when my question was answered as my future self phases up from the ground with a sinister look. My eyes widen as my mouth went agape as I looked her over. She was wearing the same suit Dark Danny had but my logo was in the middle instead and her suit was the color of mine, her skin had turned green, her eyes a dark shade of red, teeth and ears pointed and her hair was a white flame that was pulled back into a ponytail. "What did you do?!" I shout, tears threatening to spill. "It's amazing how so many clones can rip one's humanity away into nothing. What you're seeing now is a clone holding in place as her humanity, she is now just like me." He snakes an arm around the now Dark (s/n) and kisses her.

Seeing me this way Danny changes the subject. "Yeah well, it doesn't matter if we go back in time or not; we'll never turn into you! NEVER!" "Of course you will, it's only a matter of time," Dark (s/n) states as they grab us and throw us through the portal into the Ghost Zone. "I need you out of my way and out of my hair while I make sure nothing happens to change my past...Other than making you my partner sooner and luckily this is all I need to make sure of that," He holds up a medallion and summons the portal as the two detransform into a copy of Danny and me as they appeared in the Nasty Burger alleyway.

 "And to get where and when I need to be." Clockwork was fixing his stopwatch on his staff when the watchers appeared. "Have you completed the task?" The first one asks finally gaining Clockwork's attention. "Everything's fine, everything is the way it's supposed to be," He presses a button to show 'us' back in our time. "There's your kids, returned back to their time, safe, sound, and clearly not evil. Now care to observe the door?" 

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