The Ultimate Enemy: Part 9

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" The Nasty Burger...Still standing...For now," Dark Danny mutters as the two look up at the sign. "Danny! (y/n)!" They hear Sam and Tuck shout as they run-up relief written all over their faces. Sam hugs Dark Danny tightly as she whispered to him "You made it back!" "Did you beat that evil jerky puss-pack alternative version of yourself?" Tuck whispered after he hugged 'Danny'. His eyes glow red for a second before Danny's voice registers. "Always with the quips, in my weaker moments, I sometimes miss your dull sense of humor." "I'm sorry?" Tuck says questioningly as Dark Danny recovers. "I'm just kidding! I beat my other self quite easily. Had you going there for a second didn't I?"

" Well, we should probably do what we can to stop the Nasty Burger from blowing up huh?" Tucker then points out and Dark Danny brushes it off. "Already done. Now then who's up for...What did we use to do together?" He whispers to Dark (y/n) who answers for him, mimicking my voice perfectly. "Playing some video games and raging against the machine?!" 'We're in!" The two happily exclaim a smirk resting on our imposter's faces. We began floating through the Ghost Zone, struggling to break free of our ties. "We gotta get out of this!" Danny says as he continued to struggle.

"Well, well, well, all this time we've been planning on how we'd take the fight to you and here you are wrapped up like a present," We soon hear and we turn around to see the Boz ghost, who had gotten buffer, had one hook for a hand, and an eyepatch. "Box ghost?" I ask as he says in a sinister voice "Beware," He sends an ectoblast at us and we're thrown back into something hard. Looking up we see Ember who had put on some weight, wore a black dress, and let her hair down. "Ember? You look-" Danny had started to say when Ember cut him off stating " Like I went to seed right after you destroyed my vocal cords? With that ghostly wail of yours?"

 " I was going to say statuesque but uh..." He trails off as Ember strikes a chord on her guitar and we were punched into Johnny 13, who had the top of his head bald while the rest of his hair was pulled back in a ponytail but the most noticeable thing was the fact that he was in a wheelchair.

" Jhonny 13? Okay, whatever happened to you I swear I had nothing to do with it!" Danny said as Shadow flew up, who had been acting as a blanket as Johnny said "Been waiting a long time for this Punk," Everyone started to gang up on us as I tried to explain. "Wait! No!" Our imposters phase up into Danny's room and 'Danny' looks around. "My old room, and my old face," He looked in the mirror when his door opened to reveal Jazz, holding Danny's bag. 

"Danny? We need to talk." "And my old sister Jazz...What do you want Jazz? I'm busy." He said crossing his arm as Dark (y/n) joins his side. "Yeah, busy cheating; Lancer was right you did steal the answers. Don't you understand?" "That I'll be destroying my future? Haha, you don't know the half of it," Dark Danny said with a chuckle as he grabbed his bag and the C.A.T answers that Jazz had pulled out. "(y/n) how can you stand for this?" She soon questions, turning her attention to 'me'. 

"I don't know what you expect me to do Jazz, I'm his girlfriend not his mom. He can do what he pleases, besides it's not considered cheating if you don't get caught." "Danny, (y/n), I know all of it. About everything," Jazz explains, picking up the Boooooomerang off the floor.

"That both of you are part ghost, that you were working together to do the right thing with your powers until now," Both of 'our' eyes widen as the two mumbles "You knew?" "I know," She confirms to the two before pointing the booooomerang at them. "And I've been covering for both of you with our parents because I'm proud of you and the good you do. But not anymore." A sinister smile appears on Dark Danny and Dark (y/n) as he tells her "You always were smarter than I gave you credit for..." Both then go ghost to reveal themselves Jazz soon gasping in shock."You're- You're not Danny or (y/n)...That's why the Booooooomerang wasn't honing in on your ecto-signatures; you're not them!" 

"We were but I grew out of it and I didn't give (y/n) a choice. The Danny and (y/n) that you know is floating helplessly in the Ghost Zone ten years in the future." "They'll escape, they'll beat you," Jazz said glaring at the two when Dark me spoke up. 

"How? Is the answer A: The Fenton Portal? He destroyed it. B: The only remaining portal? The one our idiot cheesehead archenemy has? As soon as we find it, that's going to." "Cheesehead? Vlad Masters? He's your guy's archenemy?" Jazz cut in with the questions and Dark (y/n) continues. "Is it C: You? No, you can't stop Danny from cheating on the C.A.T and solidifying our future so it must be..." She trailed off and Dark Danny picks up for her shouting:

"D: None of the above!" And with that he zaps Jazz as she falls to the ground unconscious, soon taking out the answer sheet after both of them detransformed saying "Well what do you know? The answer to the first question is D!" "Danny! (y/n)! No!!!!! Huh? What?" Jazz soon shouts as she wakes up.Jack soon kicked down her door asking "What's up princess? Are you okay?" "I'm in my bed? I'm alive?" Jazz answers with her own question her mom soon answering as she kicks Jack out of the way. "Well of course you're in your bed and you're alive Sweetie. Danny said you fell asleep helping him study and we tucked you in." "He and (y/n) even woke up bright in early to make sure nothing happened to make them late for the big test," Jack then explains, Jazz hurriedly getting out of bed.

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