Girls' Night Out: Part 7

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"What is this? I thought your kiss eliminated all the men," Spectra asks, pulling her hand away from me as she turns to Kitth who explains "I only blew the kiss at Johnny, it's her guitar!" She gestures towards Ember who shouts "Hey!" "Gee, I'd love to stay and watch you ladies destroy yourselves with bickering but I've uh got to get to a uh burp off...Or something..." Sam trails off as she starts to walk away and I pull out a marker and write a fake number on Spectra's hand as I follow suit stating "Call me if you're ever interested and don't be shy to invite your friends along," I wink at the three with a finger gun as we hop off the stage.

"Kitty, blow another kiss and this time, get it right!" Spectra demands, pointing at us as Kitty addresses Ember. "Better amp it up again in case there's any other men you missed," Kitten blows out the kiss and Ember hits the same chord on her guitar string and Jazz watches it fly out shouting "Now!"

"Time to dish out some justice!" Maddie exclaims, pressing a button, activating the Maddie Modulator, reversing the kiss effects as all the men reappeared and looked around at all the armed women.

"Uh, why are all these women armed?" Dash questions as the three ghost girls look around confused. "What's happening? I see boys!" "Look!" They turn to see me and Sam taking of Danny's clothes and pulling off our wigs/ restyling our hair as I run off to go ghost while Sam puts on the Fenton Peeler.

Jazz and our moms hop down, armed as I fly around the corner and shrug at the three. "Come on now ladies, you didn't actually think you could get away with your schemes without a fight, did you? Just because you got rid of all the men doesn't mean there wouldn't have been at least one lady who tried to stop you or in this case, five."

"We've been tricked, Kitty, another kiss!" Spectra demands but before anyone could do anything, I bent my arms back and flung them outward as if I was doing the scissor exercise and a blue wave shot at the stage as bright blue flames engulfed the end of the stage and a huge wall of fire was made, catching them off guard as they instinctively stepped back. Suddenly out of the flames they saw a figure, it was Sam as she flew through the air, kicking Kitty to the ground before blasting her with the peeler. 

She goes flying and the two watch as Jazz sucks her into the Fenton Thermos. "Nice peeling Ghost Getter number 3 and an awesome surprise firewall (s/n)!" Jazz compliments as she waves before ducking as Sam was thrown into a building. Ember and I were fighting, she was swinging her guitar while I had grabbed a pole we had gravitated towards Jazz before I rolled away and kicked her knee out sending her forward.

I fly out of the way as she gets back up and swings her guitar at me then Jazz who jumps out of the way and shoots her bazooka at Ember, covering her in smoke, she let out a growl before being sucked into the Fenton Thermos. "You're pretty handy with that bazooka yourself," Sam says as she caps the thermos, and I land. When we see our moms sliding across the grass, Spectra chasing them. "Mom!" Jazz shouts as we race over to help. The nine tails were thrown at Spectra but she dodged and sent an ectoblast as Maddie shoved mom out of the way.

She crashed into a pile of garbage when Sam, Jazz, mom, and I surrounded her and I made an Ahem noise, she turns to me and I suck her into the thermos as Jazz exclaims excitedly "Hey! My plan worked!" "Nice job...Ghost Getter number one," Sam compliments as I whisper in her ear before flying off so mom or Maddie couldn't try to capture me. "Great work Jazz, that was an awesome plan, thank you." "Like daughter like mother," Maddie says hugging her child as I run back up in human form and hug my mom. 

We had gone back home to clean up a bit, Jazz, Sam, and I were putting the weapons away while mom helped Maddie peel the trash off of her. "Welcome home guys, catch anything?" Maddie asks as mom peels a cup off of her back. Jack, dad, Logan, and Danny pull the monster's head into the kitchen as Jack says "Only a sea monster the size of Clevland!" "Well, you're gutting and cooking that," Maddie says as mom walks over and hugs all four of them asking "Did you have a good time you guys?" "Actually yeah, Dad's not so bad when you get to know him," Danny says as Jack pulls him into a side hug, Logan nodding. 

"That moment where you dove behind the car!" They soon hear Sam says as she, me, and Jazz walk into the room. "Oh hey mom, Mrs. (l/n) we're getting ice cream, want some?" "Anything but a banana split sweetie," Maddie says peeling off a banana peel and we burst out laughing. I spot Danny and run over and give him a quick kiss before continuing on my way. "Hey, Danny, glad to see you're back I'll talk to you later!" 

Confused Danny quickly grabs my arms and pulls me towards him, leaning me down as if to dip kiss me as he whispers "(y/n) what happened?" "I'm going to get ice cream with the girls, I'll tell you later deal?" "Deal," He says with a smile before leaning down and kissing me, completing the dip kiss as he watches us walk away, Jazz telling me something before she and Sam burst out laughing, me punching her arm. "Ice cream? Together? They're actually getting along?" 

Logan asks a bit surprised as Danny asks "What are the under a spell or something?" "Okay, what did we miss around here today?" Jack asked as the boys crossed their arms. 'Nothing special, though I'm sure you two will learn all about it later," Mom says using two fingers to waggle at Logan and Danny. "We're just glad you're back." "Me too, now can you help me and (f/n) stuff this thing in the freezer?" 

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