The Ultimate Enemy: Part 3

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"What's with her?" Danny asks himself when he flinches after seeing the ghost, she had blue skin, black hair pulled into pigtails, grey gloves, a pink shirt with a matching kitchen hat, and purple overalls. Danny goes ghost and I fly in as Danny asks "More importantly...What's with you?" "I am Box Lunch, daughter of the Box ghost and The Lunch lady!" She says as Danny points at her as he says "Um, ew." "And now you will face the taste of my box and lunch based doom!"

Cabinets fly open as every boxed item and any food item from the fridge came flying out. creating an armor suit for her. "And now...And you probably knew this was coming...BEWARE!" She shouts before we bodyslam into her destroying her suit as we flew out of the house. At the Nasty Burger, Sam and Tuck were going to get food when they ran into Mr. Lancer. "Shouldn't you slackers be studying for the C.A.Ts?"

He questions the two. "I've already studied," Tucker answers when Sam tells Lancer "I'm sure we'll do fine." " The test answers in this briefcase may indicate otherwise. Enjoy your Nasty Burgers while you're still on this side of the counter," Lancer laughs at his 'joke' while Sam and Tucker give him the really? face. Suddenly Lancer's burger began to glow before slapping him in the face as it flew up. "Fast food nation!" Everyone watched as their food flew away unknowing to them that it was being used to build armor above the restaurant. 

"Prepare to taste defeat! And perhaps a nice side salad with that?" Both of us cross our arms and rest our face in a hand as we give a bored look stating "Pass." "Then feast on my empty calories of DOOM!" She throws all the food at us and we go intangible as the food splatters to the ground. "Oh c'mon, if you actually are the child of the Box ghost and The Lunch lady...Ew, then you know how this ends."

She takes the opportunity and slams us down and we hit a table. People began to panic as they ran away the workers soon following suit when Ervin blocks their way. "No! You can't leave! As a dually deputized Nasternaught, you took an oath to protect the Nasty Sauce from overheating at all costs!"

"At minimum wage? I don't think so!" The workers rush out the back Ervin calling out to them "You can kiss employee of the month goodbye!" We fly over to the Nasty Sauce tanks as I say "That's right, he said at the assembly if this stuff gets too hot...Kaboom." I pick up one of the Nasty Sauce packets and wave it in Danny's face as a smirk appears. "Prepare for-" I cut her off by flinging the packet on her as Danny tells her "Box Lunch, BEWARE!" He shoots an ectoblast with his pointer finger and we go intangible as place explodes and we were flung out, me on the pavement, Danny through Mr. Lancer's briefcase. "Zen and the art of cycle maintenance, RUN!" Everyone rushes away from the Nasty Burger leaving Sam, Tucker, Danny, and me. 

"Danny, (s/n), who was that ghost you were fighting?" Tuck asks as Danny helps me up. "That was Box Lunch, the daughter of the Box ghost and the Lunch lady," Danny explains as both go "Yikes."

"It's more of an ew. We don't know what's going on but this medallion might give us a clue." I state and soon pick up the medallion as Danny peels something off his back. "Oh my gosh, the answers to the C.A.Ts!" Danny says with a shocked expression as Clockwork and the observers watch him. "Now watch this, he'll make the right choice and you'll see you have absolutely nothing to-"

Clockwork was cut off when Danny shouted "Hello, great future!" "You're not actually thinking of peeking at the answers are you?" Tuck questions as Danny gave a slight scoff saying "Of course I am! Aren't you?" "He's stolen the test answers," The first observer states. "He's clearly going to cheat," Says the second observer. "He has your time medallion," The first one goes, and the second repeats. "He has your time medallion." "You said that twice." Clockwork points out one of the observers tells him "Destroy them now Clockwork." "I know what I'm doing. We put the answers to the test in his hands and he made the wrong decision." 

Clockwork stated as he summoned a new foe for us to fight later; the heat on the Nasty Sauce containers slowly rising as Clockwork switches images from the fight with us and the foe he was going to send, to the fight between Dark Danny, to Fenton Works almost crushing Sam and Tuck, the explosion that kills our friends and families, and to us watching while we collapsed to the ground shouting "NO!" "Their futures have been sealed." We were at school and Sam and Tucker had told me what Danny was planning to do.

"So? Are you going to return the test answers or not?" I question my boyfriend as he tells me "I will, I will, I'm just waiting for the right moment." "Like maybe after the test?" Tuck asks earning him a glare as we passed the teacher's lounge. "Yeah, you're right; you're not thinking of cheating on a test that your convinced will determine your future."

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