Forever Phantom: Part 5

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The morpho was walking down the street past the school as he continued to try and revert back to his normal look. His face folded in before popping back out with his own, his arms turning the purplish-grey as they curled up before he tried again, his face turning into mine with Pookie popping out of his shoulder. He grabs a hold of a pole as his face turns to Jazz's as he asks "Why am I unable to revert to my ghostly form? Perhaps I can remain as Billy Fenton..." 

He trails off his face reverting back to Danny when Maddie's voice rang out. "Youth of Amity Park be on the lookout for Danny Fenton and (y/n) (l/n)a.k.a. the cutest, sweetest couple in the world! It is our desire to find them posthaste so that we may shower them with hugs and kisses!" 

"And sports! Uh...You know guy stuff!" Jack chimes in as the morpho hides behind the pole cursing under his breath. "Then again maybe not, everyone will be now looking for them. Curses! I need some alone time to figure this out! I must become someone nobody wants to be around..." He trails off thinking when his attention lands on Lancer who was trying to be hip with the students again.

"Perfect...That's the last one for a while..." He says out of breath from the transformation after watching the kids walk away from him. "I've got to get to the bottom of this, perhaps the science lab will be of assistance..." He mumbles, walking into the school. Our parents hop out of the RV and start running around calling out our names when they pass an alley and Sam rushes out calling to them. "Wait! Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. (l/n)! I just saw Danny over there!" She points down the alley and they rush up to Danny who was growing in pain. "Oh! Ow! Oh, the pain!" "Danny? Sweetie?" Maddie asks and Tucker adjusts his Danny wig as he came up with a lie. "Mr. and Mrs. F- (l/n)? Mom? Dad? That ghost...Ripped mine and (y/n)'s face off. I- no we can't let you see us like this!"

With that Tucker took off down the other side of the alley, our parents chasing after him but not before Maddie shouted "Danny, wait! Don't run Danny, there's nothing to be ashamed of I can handle...Disfigurement!"

"Yeah! Look how well she treats me! Thanks, Sam, have some toast!" Jack runs off with his friends and wife after handing over the toast and Danny flies down with me. "Nice moves Sam," Danny compliments and she shrugs "Like taking toast from a baby, thank Logan though he made the wigs so we could pull this off.

 You go find that ghost, we'll distract your parents before they find you, I mean Danny, I mean Danny Phantom, just go!" She says and we fly off as she takes a bite of toast soon questioning why she was eating the toast. "So far so good, disguised as a teacher I'm a veritable pariah, next up the science lab," He mumbles closing his upside-down math book when a paper airplane hit his face; turning around he feels a hand on his back and looks down to see Dash.

"Hey uh Mr. Lancer sir, I couldn't help but notice how shiny your head is today!" Dash exclaims before running off leaving a confused morpho who turned around to reveal the kick me sign before being kicked by a student.

"You get back here!" He shouts starting to chase the student when he stepped into a bucket and started to slide across the floor, landing on his back in front of a laughing crowd as Nathan comes up with a camera and takes a picture for the yearbook.

All of a sudden the students starting talking over each other to him to solve their problems as he runs away and skids around the corner running into Lancer in front of the students. "Why don't you watch where you're-" They both started to say before realizing who they were looking at. "Prince and the Pauper! You're gorgeous!" Lancer shouts pointing at him before fainting as Dash screamed "Ah! Two Mr. Lancers?! Nightmare 36 has come true!" Dash then faints as Danny and I poke our heads through, I had managed to make us go intangible and invisible. "Two of someone? It's gotta be the morpho!"

We land on the floor in front of everyone as Danny asks "But which one is he?" We look between the unconscious Lancer to the panicked one when the students started to recognize us. "Hey, it's Danny Phantom and (s/n)!" We turn around to see the smiling crowd. "Oh no..." Tucker races around a car and stops while panting as he watches our parents run away when he feels a hand on his shoulder and turns to see Sam dressed like me as she adjusted her wig. "Sam!"

 "Let's turn this marathon into a relay race!" She says as Logan runs up. "Ok try to race to the school and then to the park I'll be dressed as Danny to give you two a break!" "Thanks!" Sam says and on impulse kisses Logan's cheek before running off leaving Logan with a burning face.

The Other Halfa: Part II - Danny Phantom the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now