Eye for an Eye: Part 2

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"One-time community pillar Vlad Masters insists that he had nothing to hide," The news reporter said as Vlad stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around him grumbling "One-time pillar indeed. Danny Fenton has tarnished my reputation and made me the laughing stock of Wisconsin and nobody bows down to a laughing stock! 

But I'm sure that my shrewd counter move has put the skids to his teenage high jinks and anything his girlfriend might try," He turned the tv onto the news where it was covering breaking news as the reporter stated, "We now go live to breaking news from air copter 2 flying above the hotel!"

Having heard enough Vlad turns off the tv when a gust of wind blew and he watched clothes fly back before noticing the three news copters flying in front of him while filming when his towel blew away. "Oh, butter brickle!" He shouts trying to cover up, Sam, Tucker, and Logan in the Spector Speeder a few buildings away as they start to laugh, Tucker saying "Woah, can you say too much information?" "Maybe when I'm done surpassing my gag reflex, you ok down there Danny? (y/n)?"  On the other side of his room, we had made it invisible for others to see and I tell them:

"Better than ever, now that I got payback." "An invisible wall, top that Plasmius!" Danny challenged. At school, it was lunch when Sam asked "Hey Tucker, Danny stashed away in the locker room as usual?" "You know Mr. Modesty, after gym class, when he cleans, he cleans alone, I take (y/n) helped clean up from the activity as usual?" Sam starts to nod when started laughing and pointing as they rushed up to a wall.

They push through and gasp to see...Danny...Showering when he finally takes notice of what's going on. "Oh no!" He grumbles covering up while on the other side people could see me, though luckily I had a towel on. I looked around for my bag with my clothes but couldn't find them...Vlad, of course. "Take it off! Take it off!" I hear the boys start to shout and I roll my eyes as I rushed towards my locker where I kept an extra change of clothes. "A ghost kid with tan lines, who knew?" Tucker asked trying to make the situation better. 

"So how about that big mayor's election?" Logan asked nervously later that day when we were at the Nasty Burger, everyone there laughing at us. "Forget changing the subject Logan, we're never gonna live this down!" Danny says shirking down in his chair while I try to hide my face, though I don't care about their opinions of me, it was still embarrassing.

"Never is a long time Danny," Tucker started to say when another student popped over the seat pointing and laughing. "But the next few weeks will be brutal," Danny goes to take a bite of his burger when one of the GIW takes it away from him shouting:

"Everybody out! This is an evacuation!" "This place is being demolished by order of the new owner," They state as men come in destroying everything as I ask "New owner?" In walks Vlad. "That's right (y/n)," We all gasp as he continues to explain. "You know these walls are infested with harmful ecto-bestows. As the new proprietor, it is my duty to tear this place down with your own background in demolition, I'm sure  you understand yes?"

He asks leaning in close to my face as I glare before everyone was rushed out and we were forced to watch them turn the Nasty Burger into a huge pile of rubble. "Three...Two...One...Demolish!" Everyone gasps and starts to glare as Dash asks "How could they?! I did some of the best nerd-wailing in the men's room there!" "Farewell old friend, we hardly knew thee."

Tucker says picking up a soda lid with the bold letters NB and Vlad leans in close to Danny and me, whispering "Let this be lesson kids, I put the pro in quid-pro-quo not that you're bright enough to know what that means." "We get the idea and we don't like it! Believe me, this isn't over yet!" Danny says, grabbing my hand as we storm off.

"Oh good I'll take that as a challenge," Vlad says turning around when he takes notice of the Montez for mayor billboard and an idea started to form. "And I so do enjoy being the challenger," It was election day and it was all over the news that Vlad had decided to run for mayor, which was today's topic on the news. "Our election day coverage continues," The reporter says as Danny walks in asking for something when his dad cuts him off.

 "It's election day and I've got my voting shoes on!" He shows off the shoes just as I walk in, I had heard the news and I came to tell Danny when Jack stated "I've gotta run out and cast my vote for the next mayor of Amity Park!" He pulls out a box filled with a bunch of Vlad gear and started dressing Danny and me up in hats, sashes, pins, and flags, there were even one of those electric small signs on our heads that read Vote 4, Vlad.

The Other Halfa: Part II - Danny Phantom the SeriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon