Claw of the Wild: Part 6

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"Hold on buddy! You can't just rush in there, we have a plan," Danny says, stopping Wulf from hoping in as he shows the bag he had been carrying which was stuffed with the bear suit. "We do? We do!" I ask since he hadn't told me but once I saw his determined face I confirmed it. Danny flies through the portal holding the bag as he approached the prison stating "No guards, we must be expected."

Danny flies in but soon stops, letting go of the bag and it hits the floor an "Oof!" Emitting from it. "Sorry Wulf! Woah, suspended animation, looks kinda like the camp oatmeal," Danny mutters as he looks at his classmates floating in the substance.

He goes to touch the glass when he was shocked and he moved back. "Okay, not that way! At least for now, I know everyone is safe," He mutters to himself, fixing his hair when Walker's voice rings out. "Which is more than I can say for you," Danny turns around to see Walker standing in front of him, a few guards standing behind him in a line as Danny says sarcastically "You brought the whole gang to welcome me, I'm touched. Release my friends," He demands and Walker stated, "Return Wulf to me." 

"You know, you didn't have to kidnap all of your campers to get me to bring you, Wulf." "Perhaps not. But I did have to take the ones that stumbled upon my search party in the woods if only to keep them from shooting off their mouths. We started out looking for Wulf but once we figured out you and your girlfriend were in those woods too, I knew I only needed to capture a few of your friends to get your attention. No matter, the end results are the same I have your friends, and you have mine."

"Something tells me Wulf doesn't consider you a friend," Danny stated, tossing the bag at Walker who shrugs it off. "Doesn't matter, the important thing is this game of cat and mouse is now over, and in case you had any doubt, you're the mouse," He pulls out the Fenton Thermos and it sucks Danny in. 

"Now, I have the campers, the ghost boy, and Wulf, and once the ghost girl realizes the boy won't be coming back, she'll come to rescue him and we'll be ready for her. That Phantom punk should've known better to enter a game of wits with me, and now Wulf-"

Walker leaned down to open the bag when I jump out, wearing the pants part of the suit shouting "Aha!" I jump out, shooting an ectoblast at Walker, sending him back, and causing him to let go of the thermos. The guards tried to surround me but they were met with the same results: An ectoblast to the face.

"It's hard to engage in a game of wits when your opponent is missing a few pieces!" Walker and I eye, the thermos and I take off after it, quickly turning human in case anyone got any ideas. Just as I picked up the thermos, Walker shot an ectoblast at me and I phased through the wall into another room. "Huh?" I ask looking around and checking myself for injuries. "Oh right! Humans pass through stuff in the Ghost Zone...Perfect."

 I mumble, a smirk finding its way on my face as I start hopping through a few more rooms so I wouldn't be found. I pop open the lid of the thermos and Danny flies out. "Nice save," He compliments me when we duck to avoid an ectoblast; we turn our heads down the hall to see Walker and two guards, glaring at us. "Get 'em!" More shots were fired at us as Danny grabs my hand and pulls me around the corner only for me to re-appear and shoot a firewall to slow them down, Danny grabbing me by the waist and pulling me away from the room.

"Let's go!" We fly down a corridor and Danny makes the wall go invisible showing me our friends and classmates. "Look!"  "Oh my gosh! Sam, Tucker, Logan! The campers! Are they floating in oatmeal?" I question and he tells me "It's a state of animation that just so happens to look like breakfast. Trust me, they're ok." "How do we free them?" I ask when we hear Walker and turn around to see him standing in front of us. "The question is: When do you join them?" Guards suddenly appeared and grabbed a hold of and despite our struggles, we couldn't break free. "Listen, Walker, you got me, let (y/n) go!"

 "Let someone go? That would be against the rules. This collar always worked on Wulf but since he's not here, I'll just have to put it on someone else," Walker stated, pulling out the collar, causing Danny to scoff. "You can't scare me, Walker!" "I'll make a note of that ghost boy, but you're not the one who's gonna wear this," Walker tells him, his attention turning to me, Danny and my eyes going wide before we both glared at him and continue to struggle, hoping to break free. 

"NO!" Danny shouts just as Wulf jumped out from the corner and pounced on Walker as Danny and me exclaim excitedly "Wulf!" The guards let go of me and point their weapons at Wulf. "Hold it!" "No! Don't hit me! Or let her go!" He blasts Wulf off of him as I go ghost and use my hands to shoot ectoblasts at the guards as they crashed into Walker and they tumbled down the hall.  Danny on the other hand, detransformed and jumped through the wall, his guards, looking at the wall as Danny uses his powers and forces the two to headbutt each other before hopping back in and going ghost again.

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