Double Cross My Heart: Part 1

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It was late into the night and laughing could be heard as a stray ghost flew around Amity Park, causing one guy to step outside his home to see what was going on. Skulker pops up from under the street looking at the stray ghost through his binoculars, frightening the poor man. "Well, it's a minor prize but any pray is good pray," Skulker muttered to himself as he took off only to fly back and scare the poor man once again. Skulker started to chase the ghost all around the city as he fired an electric net which grabbed the ghost who struggled to break free as it was dragged him towards Skulker. 

"The element of surprise, the hunter's best friend-" Skulker was cut off as an ectoblast hit him, sending him back. "And the hunted's worst enemy!" He shouted once he saw who was chasing him: the GIW. "Decoy ghost liberated, what about the unfriendly?" "Any prey is good prey, unleash white lighting type winders," Skulker charged the jet, shooting missiles at it which proved to be unhelpful as they flew out of the trajectory.

They shot their own missiles at Skulker, hitting him at point-blank range, destroying his jet pack. The jet slowed down over Skulker and shot a beam at him that started bringing him closer to the ship. "What?! I can't break free! Auto eject in 3...2...1..." Skulker shot out of his suit and glared up at the jet as it zoomed away with his suit. "Target ghost obtained." "True, but his suit is hardwired; if we can access its database, it may help us to our primary objective: The punks known as Danny Phantom and (s/n)." 

"Danny, if you're going to drool, can you not do it over my tofu soy melt?" Sam asked Danny as he continued to stare and sigh at me. I worked as a cashier at the Nasty Burger "Drool on a tofu soy melt isn't drool, it's seasoning."

Tucker said as Sam pushed away her food, Nasty Burger didn't actually serve the stuff but since she was willing to pay for it I always cooked it for her if I could or had one of my coworker friends do it. I look up to see Tiffany as she switches places with, signifying the end of my shift. "Seriously Danny, you need to just tell her you love her, you've been with (y/n) for months, it's even been a year since you two met and it's clear how hard you've fallen for her."

Tucker says before taking another bite of his hamburger as Danny waves at me with a smile as I headed into the backroom to change my clothes. "Yeah, I know but it's not easy, I don't deserve her so I feel I can't be with her," Danny starts to say and Tucker tells him "But you are with her." "Yeah, but do you guys realize what it's like to like somebody you can't be with? Or at least feel like you can't?"

Danny asks, causing Sam to spit out her soda and Tucker instantly caught on. "Do ya Sam? Huh? Do ya?" He asked raising his eyebrows up and down just as Sam threw her drink in Tuck's face. "Uh, what did I just miss?" I ask as I slide into the booth and Tucker starts to say something. "Oh, Danny was just telling us how much he wanted to tell you that he-" Tucker was cut off by Danny throwing his drink in Tucker's face as I raise an eyebrow at Danny when Sam changes the topic.

"All I know is you'll never catch me going googly-eyed over some- Oh my..." We look over at the door to see a new kid, wearing white jeans, black shoes, a black shirt, a white vest, pierced ears, wearing sunglasses, and had white hair slicked up and back. I had to admit looks-wise he was very attractive but I knew better to judge a book by its cover. "Ah, there you children are! This is Gregor, an exchange student visiting us from...Hungry?" Mr. Lancer introduced as he and Gregor walked over, Tucker offering him his burger after hearing Lancer botch the name Hungary. "No. Thank you, I have already eaten."

Gregor said in an accent, causing Sam to giggle as I sigh at the terrible joke. "Yes, there's only so many opening lines you can use when you're actually from Hungary." "Great you're getting along, and I don't get paid for overtime, you kids have fun, bye!" Lancer said leaving us alone with Gregor.

"So d-did you actually eat?" Sam asks, stuttering a little as she tried to change the topic. "Yes, but not here I doubt there is anything I'd like to eat here. I don't eat anything with a face on it because I'm ultra-recyclo-vegetarian," Sam who was about to take a bite of her sandwich stopped and smiled as she asked "Ultra-recyclo-vegetarian?" The two shake hands before Gregor pulls her hand close and sniffs it. "Tofu soy melt excellent choice, Miss..." "Manson, Sam Manson, it's short for Samantha but my friends call me Sam, youcancallmeSamtowhyamIstilltalking? I'm such a spazz."

Sam says, her words speeding up as she continued to blabber, when she finally stopped I give her a knowing smirk, she had a crush, it was good to see her moving on, I knew she still liked Danny and things hadn't gone any further with Tucker so I was going to root for Gregor. Gregor scoffs lightly as he flicked his wrist down to shrug it off as he sat down next to Tucker stating "Psh, I find it charming," Before a new conversation could start our ghost sense goes off and Danny and I quickly get up. "Well I'd love to stay and chat but uh we gotta go, Sam," Danny says as we run off Tucker following soon after. 

The stray ghost decoy phased through the Nasty Burger, scaring the customers as Gregor asks "Ghosts?" "Welcome to Amity Park!" Sam tells him, hoping this doesn't scare him off. We rush up to the bathroom when the door wouldn't open, Danny outstretched his hand to Tucker. "Dime please," Tuck tossed Danny the dime and after a quick thank, you Danny and I rush into the bathroom to go ghost.

Author: 🎃Hαρρყ Hαʅʅσɯҽҽɳ!🎃

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