The Fright Before Christmas: Part 2

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"Danny Fenton hates Christmas, he hates it a lot. Which is why I've inserted the boy in this plot. He'll go through this tale till the story is ending..." Ghost Writer said, Danny soon grumbling "But you can't make me rhyme." "Hope your New Year is splendid," Sam soon started shouting. Danny facepalms, glaring up at the ghost. "You would be quite surprised with what I can and can't do. But I'll leave you your freedom so that I can teach you. When you lash out at others there's enmity earned. You're stuck in this poem till your lesson is learned." The Ghost Writer said with a boast. Danny let out a sigh of annoyance when his friend Tucker appeared.

"Who you talking to Danny?" Said Tucker, confused. "Some annoying Ghost Writer, we're all being used! I blew up his story-" "No hint of remorse!" Ghost Writer soon interrupted, earning a glare. "Now he's writing a new one, we're trapped in by force!" Danny shouted as his friends, who were completely unaware. "But Tucker, Sam, and (y/n), shrugged in confusion. Completely convinced of my ghostly illusion." Danny scrunched his eyebrows in anger, marching ahead of those he held dear. "Has he always been moody and glum in December?" I ask my confusion still clear.

"A big whiney scrooge as long as I can remember. His very first Christmas when he was a baby, a bad first impression. No, if, but, or maybe. His parents debated on Santa's existence. Forgetting their son might have need assistance. Caught up in their rift of that jolly old fellow. They didn't see Danny's white Christmas turn yellow. And the one four years later was clearly no inner. Still arguing Santa, they spoiled Christmas dinner."

"By spoiled I should say, brought the turkey to life. Swearing blood and revenge with a fork and a knife." Suddenly across the way was heard, his parents arguing again. "I've said it before and I'll say it again. A sled cannot travel the globe at mock ten!" Maddie said with a shout, point soon getting across when..." But Jack Fenton bellowed:" "You're wrong! Wrong you hear!" "And never once thought he'd be spooking the deer. And just because this would annoy him the most I decided to make every reindeer a ghost," Ghost Writer said looking at the deer, who were all rattled. 

One by one they flew up and turned green looking embattled. One let out a roar, as loud as it could. We watched on in horror as the reindeer ran, the situation not looking good. " On Spooky! On Spector! On Deathhoof! On Thrasher! On Maimer! On Vicious blood antlers! On Slasher!"

Ghost Writer exclaimed, naming the reindeer with a deadly name. "Going Ghost!" "He and his partner gave their signature cry and into the fray. Danny Phantom and (s/n) did fly. Confronting the reindeer with powers quite ghostly, protecting the last-minute shoppers...Well mostly." Ghost Writer said, typing the chase turning Lancer's cheese log into a cheesy flame.

 Grabbing some Christmas tree lights, the two made a lasso to tame. The lassos did fly, soaring across the sky soon hitting the reindeer with impeccable aim. A 'joyride' we soon took as we flew through the mall hitting some poor carolers that were near. We smashed through a stand letting go of the deer. "Then the reindeer escaped having torn up the mall. Leaving Danny, yes Danny the blame for it all."

The Ghost Writer typed soon directing all the anger to said boy. "But Danny's grim yuletide was only beginning. When later that night as his patience was thinning." "See? A fat man can fit down the chimney! Here's proof!" Jack soon cried out, meanwhile, Jazz was shaking her present with joy.

"That still won't explain how he gets on the roof!" The two argued back in forth, (y/n)'s parents shaking their heads. "And young Fenton just sat there steaming and fuming. His blood pressure rising, his anger consuming." Danny soon heard and looked out to see the face that was turning his patience to shreds. "I won't keep this up-" "Danny said to the writer..." "There's no poem if I'm silent." "Can't you make Dad not fight her?" Jazz soon asked. "AGH!"

 " You think this is over? It's barely begun. This all doesn't end till the lesson is done." "And you think that I'll learn it? You think your that tuff?" Danny soon sassed. "He exists!" "No, he doesn't!" His parents continuing to fight, the writer then saying "Then Dan screamed:" "Enough! I'm sick of your fighting can you please let this die?! You've ruined each Christmas, each Christmas, and I can't take any more of this war am I clear? Fourteen years is enough I am so out of here!"

The Other Halfa: Part II - Danny Phantom the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now