Phantom Planet: Part 2

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"Huh?!" Technus, Danny, and I question when our attention turns to two guys and a girl wearing, black and red suit, with techno gear covered all over and holding an array of guns, the biggest guy holding the gun that was preventing the car-puter from diving any further. "Yo! I got it Fid!" "Awesome Thrash! Take it Download!" 

The girl- Fid said and Download shot a laser at it, sucking it into his wrist. "Downloaded, cha!" "Uh, who are those guys?" Sam asks as we all continued to stare at them. "I don't know but those are the coolest jumpsuits I've ever seen!" Tucker exclaims his attention soon turning to me and Danny who were floating above him with our arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

"Except your's guys, of course, your colors are very slimming." "Adolescence? How dare you! And another thing! The techno look is my thing!" Technus shouts as Fid extends her wrist and red glowing DVDs were shot at him, electrocuting him upon contact before Download downloaded him. "Ghost guy gone, area safe. Have a righteous day." "Master's Blasters stop disasters!" The three then shout as a crowd started to form around them a projection was put into the air, Vlad's face soon showing up. "Greetings citizens, I hope you've enjoyed this presentation of Amity Park's new teen ghost fighting team: Master's Blasters."

Say what now? "Master's Blasters?" Danny, Sam, Tucker, Logan, and I question in unison before Vlad continued his speech. "As your mayor, I provided city funding for this top-notch troop, equipped with the latest teen technology, they're going to stop ghosts and succeed where Danny Phantom and (s/n) have so obviously failed." "Teen ghost fighters?" "Teen technology?" "Top-notch?"

 "Going to stop ghosts and succeed?" "Where Danny Phantom and (s/n) have so obviously failed?" Sam, Tucker, Logan, me, and Danny question in that order. "My plan is very simple: Out with the old, in with the new! And the old should give up now if they know what's good for them," We glare at the projection, well we do fight ghosts so obviously we don't know what's good for us. "If Vlad's funding them, they're definitely up to something," Danny comments, crossing his arms as we watch the team drive off. "Hm, they can't fight ghosts if there are no ghosts to fight right?"

 Logan asks causing Danny and Tuck to say in a questioning tone while Sam and I say in a confirming tone "Right?/Right." "So you two just fight ghosts like crazy!" "Yeah, remind everyone in this town how there's no better ghost fighters than Danny Phantom and (s/n)," Sam says, backing up Logan's idea as Danny and I smile as he stated "You're right, we'll just show 'em whose boss around here! Buckle up guys, Operation Danny Phantom and (s/n) rocks is about to begin!"

For the rest of the week, Danny and I had been on high alert for ghosts which didn't end well...On Tuesday, Undergrowth had attacked, Danny and I had charged toward him so we could reach and destroy his roots.

But he had shot needles at us, seeing the attack Danny had pushed me out of the way before curling up in a ball as the needles flew by him. Once the attack stopped, his clothes fell off ripped in shreds leaving him in his undergarments. At that moment the Master's Blasters had shown up, their vehicle destroying the vines causing him to fall and be downloaded.

Blasters Mulch Ghost and Danny Phantom Wears Boxers were in the news later that day. On Wednesday surprisingly Aragon- Princess Periwinkle had shown up trying to exact revenge on us for ruining his monarchy. While charging to attack Danny was hit with his spiked tail, shredding away his suit again while Fid and Thrash had caught Aragon in a net for Download to download. Blasters Snare Dragon and Danny Phantom Has Florida Shaped Birthmark was in Wednesday's paper.

Thursday's ghost had been Vortex who had been destroying a trailer park. I throw a fireball which was only slapped away when a lighting bolt was shot at me, once again Danny pushing me out of the way and getting hit, his suit just like the last two times was destroyed leaving him in his undergarments.

Then as usual the Master's Blasters showed up, used a force field to avoid the lighting which shot back at Vortex, shrinking him as he was then downloaded. Blasters Stop Storm! Danny Phantom Naked Nuisance? Useless (s/n) Nuisance? Were the top stories that day. It was now Friday where Vlad had constructed a parade in honor of the Master's Blasters who were throwing out free merch. "Hm, three news photos of you in your underwear, nine more, and you can have your own calendar," Tucker tells Danny as he goes over the latest newspaper.

 "This is serious Tucker as far as the town's concerned, Vlad's goons have totally replaced Danny Phantom and (s/n)!" Danny says, gaining the attention of a mother and her son. "Did you say Danny Phantom and (s/n)? They're wonderful!" "They're my heroes!" The boy says holding up a Danny Phantom and (s/n) doll and hugs them, causing Danny and I to smile at each other.

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