Eye for an Eye: Part 4

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"Uh oh, I have a bad feeling about this..." Sam trailed off as our friends looked around the cheering crowds. "Relax Sam so he'll propose a couple of lame laws, how bad could it be?" Tucker asked trying to look on the bright side of things. Within the following week, the rules started hammering down. "NOOOOOOOOO!" Tucker shouted as he latched onto Mr. Lancer's feet and was dragged across the room.

As Vlad told the city the Technus Act will ban all high-tech gear susceptible to ghost infiltration. A strict dress code will guard against anything dark and goth which can attack ecto-unfriendlies and in addition, there will be a 4 pm curfew, mandatory role call before and after classes, and heightened security to make sure the safety of all students and finally romantic relationships are forbidden so as not to become easy targets to ghosts.

The security guard slammed me and Danny into the lockers as they grabbed our bags and emptied them out on the floor before walking off. Sam and Logan come over to help us pick up our stuff though it was a bit harder for me and Sam because of these darned uncomfortable skirts! We see Lancer walk by still dragging Tucker who finally let's go telling us "For the records dude this reeks." "And everybody thinks it's your guy's fault guilty of your association with Vlad." Sam says passing the final book as we stood up, Danny glaring at the camera stating "Hey, we're taking the biggest hit here, with all this servaliance and restrictions Vlad's making sure that we can almost never go ghost.

"Not to mention he's making sure life is miserable to ward off any ideas of stopping him," I grumble crossing my arms, if I gave Danny even the slightest look of romantic interest I'd be scolded and given detention by the teachers when Tuck pulled up the latest newspaper with the caption: Phantom and (s/n) go home! With an image of us underneath crossed out as he told us "Maybe that's a good thing, looks like your paranormal non-grande again."

 I dig my nails into my skin as I emit a low growl as Logan points out "Vlad's claiming that Danny Phantom and (s/n) presence maybe be more of an invitation to ghosts than a deterrent." "Which we all know is an absolute load, with us out of the picture ghosts will be  all over town."

This theory was proved true as ghosts started filtering in but according to the newspaper the GIW had begun to actually do their job right and started capturing ghosts thanks to Vlad. We looked over the latest ghost capturing headline in disbelief as Sam stated "Boy, Vlad's PR machine is really trumping up these ghost battles." "All those phony attacks were staged, Vlad's convincing everyone that they don't need us anymore."

I state crossing my arms again while glaring at the paper. "Bu on the bright side at least Vlad is rebuilding our hang out," Tucker said gesturing towards the new McMasters Bistro before gasping as we looked at the new monstrosity,

"McMasters?" Danny asks as we walk over and tried to go inside only to be blocked by a guard as he asks "Can I help you? To leave," We were all picked up and thrown into the streets as he announced, "There are no teenagers allowed here." "What?! You can't be serious?!" Danny exclaims as the guard pointed to a no teenagers sign with a smirk. "Now beat it! All you's kids!" 

"This is all yous and your girlfriend's fault Fen-Addict-Arnold. You're responsible for this lousy mayor!" Dash says pointing at us as him and his crew stomped away. "Okay, I really feel like crud now, there's only one thing left to do," Danny remarks looking at me as I nod and he starts to shout "I'm going-" "Wait!" I shout, cutting him off, and Sam and I point to the camera looking at us. "No worries, Vlad took away my tech, so I'm taking his."

 Tucker said tying a blue headband around his head and put on war paint on his cheeks before running up, climbing up, and pulling the camera off of the building giving us the go-ahead before cuddling the camera. We start to run towards the wall, jumping up and going ghost as we phased through the building into Vlad's office.

"Daniel, (y/n), I had a feeling you'd come," Vlad tells us looking up from his papers with a smirk. "Look, this goes against everything I stand for but I'm sorry I played those stupid pranks on you, and I hoping you'll accept my apology and stop making things miserable for me and my friends," Danny apologizes crossing his arms and I apologize too. "And I'm sorry I helped play those pranks, so please stop you're taking this way to far, truce?" Danny outstretches his arm hoping he would accept but he slaps the hand away telling us:

"How nice, a gentleman's handshake but you forget where you two and I are concerned. I. AM. NO. GENTLEMAN!" "Oh come on! Can you even pretend to have a heart?!" I asked throwing my hands up in the air as Danny chimes in "We're making an effort here!" "I know! And even though the apology is a welcome departure from your usual childish arrogance it belies a greater truth: You. Had. This. Coming!" He shouts at us with a pointed finger.

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