Urban Jungle: Part 2

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Sam, Tucker, and Logan start running but the vines were quick to grab them and we were held up to Undergrowth's face. "Such limited life forms, although instant destruction is an option, I feel that re-planting would be more productive," He tells us before his head splits open to reveal his brain as spores come floating out. "Sleep spores!" Danny shouts as we quickly start to lose consciousness Sam muttering "At least they're full of Ginko Biloba." Our eyes start to flutter shut the last thing we see and hear is Undergrowth. "Rejoice for a new era is taking root..." I hear Danny wake up with a gasp and turn my head to see him struggle a bit before taking notice of his surroundings.

"Holy Hibiscus! The whole city is a giant overgrown backyard!" He exclaims at a few flytraps slither up and hisses at us, Tucker asking "I never eat my vegetables why is it fair they get to eat me?" Danny tries to break free of the vines when I tell him "It's no use, Dannythese vines are like steel cable...With sap..." I trail off with a glare as we watch Undergrowth grow in front of us. "Yes, the growth is far stronger than any meat creature. No matter how powerful they think they are," He says leaning in close to Danny who tries to charge up an ectoblast to break free when flowers come up and grab hold of not just his but my hands.

"These ghost plants are blocking our ghost energy, can't go intangible either!" Danny states as we try to struggle free. "Perhaps one day you will see that this is what nature intended all along. Mankind is merely a temporary weed in the garden of life, a weed that can be removed," Undergrowth says growing flowers up to him and petting them Danny shouting "Danny Phantom and (s/n) bows to no plant!"

"Bow? We can't even wiggle our fingers!" Tuck exclaims causing Undergrowth to smirk and gesture towards the town stating "Your pessimistic but accurate friend is right. Observe. Your once proud progressive metropolis," In the center of town was a brain connected to the ground sending out cords which took over anyone it could grab as he explains. 'The mind vine enables me to control the inhabitants every movement, why should I burden myself with the destruction of my city when I can have my own citizens do it for me?"

 He asks as we watch the people start destroying the town. "Once the way is cleared my children will be planted and grow anew!" Trees start sprouting up from where seeds were planted all around the city. "My consciousness! My will! Shall spread throughout the globe and the concrete jungle shall become a real jungle!"

"You can't win! If we can't stop you someone w-w-will!" I shout the cold starting to take over again as he asked "Really? Such as?" At that moment the Fenton RV came racing up as Jack shouted:

"Get your filthy roots off my town, you horticulture terror! Thanks for writing down the word horticulture sweetface," Jack thanked his wife as she tells him "I didn't want you to mispronounce it during the battle cry hun, first impressions are very important." "And you married me anyway."

Jack says with a smile as my parents pressed a button and a huge saw blade appeared cutting any vines in the way when a tree grew in the way and vines grabbed a hold of the RV and destroyed it, our parents jumping out and continued to attack the plants. Mom, dad, and Maddie continued to destroy the plants making me grateful that they owned a garden, though Sam was the one to teach me about gardening and as long as I helped out I could eat her homegrown fruits and veggies speaking of Sam, where was she? And is Logan ok for that matter?

I look to my left to see Logan watching the fight intently before my attention turned toward it. It wasn't long before the mind-controlling plant took hostage of our parents, it took a little bit longer to get Jack since it had to keep trying spots to reach his brain but that's beside the point. 'Your parents!" 

I hear Logan scream as I turn my gaze to see him in my peripheral vision as Danny shouts "No! Our parents! They've been taken over by the mind vine. "No! Not them! Let them go!" Danny and I shout in unison as Logan says " He's controlling everyone! After us, there's nobody left!" "W-w-where's Sam?" I ask from what I could tell she was nowhere on the tree nor part of the crowd down below. "Ah yes, the other female, every garden needs a caretaker," A huge purple rose pops up and blooms to reveal Sam wearing leaves as a dress, matching gloves, a spiked choker, a spiked garder, a spiked hair tie that kept her now unkempt hair up, there were vines wrapping around her legs and feet as if making a shoe, the vine wrapped around her waist and her upper arms as well, her eyes glowing green with those black markings under her eyes.

 "Sam!" We call out and Tucker compliments her while Undergrowth toys with her arms. "Her love of vegetation makes her the perfect choice to work alongside me, I can show her the ropes or vines so to speak." "Her, she also has a love for vegetation..." Sam trails off pointing at me as the vines brought me forward. "What are you- AAHH!" I shout as a rose starts closing up on me. "(Y/N) NOOOO!" Was the last thing I heard...

The Other Halfa: Part II - Danny Phantom the SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now