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Rose's POV

Our practices becomes tougher as the day of the performance gets nearer. No one is mentioning it, but everyone is feeling the pressure now. We have to do extra rehearsal, especially now that our performance has been extended to ten minutes. The storyline must be delivered within the time limit and it's a challenge.

"Thank you Prez. We're going," my club members bid goodbye.

I waved as they go out, "Thanks for today guys. Bye!"

JK went out too. As expected with what happened last night, he was cold to me today. He didn't even bother to look at me during rehearsals. But as what Elise says to me, I should not mind him. But how can you not mind a person you've loved for more than two years and you're living in the same house with?

I was locking the music room when Van appeared from somewhere and took my bag. "Let me do it," he took the lock and finished it up for me.

"Thank you," I said. Van is now perfectly back to how he treats me after we talked over dinner last night. He even apologized for not smiling at me in the canteen.

We started to walk. "Don't you have a shoot today?" I asked him.

"None," he answered brightly, "and with that being said, I would like to invite you to a dinner."

I laughed. "Elise and Sue--" but he stopped me.

"I asked them to let me have you with me at dinner."

"And they agreed?"

"Yep." He laughed. "Now, what do you want to eat?"

"I still owe you a dinner right?" I reminded him of the dinner where I was supposed to treat him.

But van shook his head, "I'd use that treat card some other time. Tonight's on me. I just got my paycheck."

"Wow!" I exclaimed. This is one good thing about Van. He earns his own money.

"Yes, so... what shall we eat?"

"We're planning to eat sushi today," I said after recalling my conversation with my friends this afternoon.

"Okay then. I know a Japanese restaurant thirty minutes drive from here." We arrived at the parking lot. He opened his car door for me.

"Alright, let's go!" But before I could enter the car, a car horn blew. We looked around and saw JK's car parked not far from us.

I looked at Van, and he just smiled and nodded. "I'll just tell him where I'd go."

"Yes, he's your housemate afterall," Van said and stood by his car, watching me.

I approached JK. Good thing the lamp posts in the school parking lot is quite dimmed, and there are no other students near us. It wouldn't be a topic of gossip tomorrow.

I walked to the passenger door and opened it. But I just peeked in, "I'll go home late." Then, after a sudden thought, I added, "I already asked mom and she allowed me." I wanted to laugh at the downright lie I just said. But I made a mental note to chat mom later.

He didn't even throw me a glance. He just started the engine, and that means I should go. "Okay, bye." I closed the car door and turned my back on him. I heard his car drove away.

I walked back to Van feeling something heavy in my chest. JK doesn't really care for me.

When I approached him, I tried to smile, but he gave me a smile and opened his arms wide. I frowned at him, but before I could say anything, he hugged me.

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