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Rose's POV

"Sweetie, you better get your things ready. I will drop your luggage off to Annaly's house tomorrow at noon," Mom reminded me without looking away from her laptop screen. "And I already wired your allowance into your card."

"Thanks mom." I took gave her a quick hug and went out.

"Your luggage?"

I shouted from the gate, "All ready, Mom. Bye!"

Indeed, I have readied all the things I would be bringing to my Aunt Annaly's house. I will be moving tomorrow, and I don't want the hustle of carrying two large bags with me. Mom got a car, so it will be convenient if she will be the one to take them to Aunt Annaly's. Though it's Saturday, I will be able to go there at 3pm, because we're having a meeting in the HAHS Club Association. The school festival will be next, next month in October 25. And we need to prepare a presentation for the school anniversary ceremony. Every year, that is the most awaited part, done at night, in which many alumni watch. There are also entertainment companies and talent scouts from different agencies. The club with the most magnificent presentation will be hailed as the Best Club of the Year.

Now, my mind is set for winning the title. That is the only thing which I know would save the music club and its reputation.

I arrived in school with such things in mind. And maybe I was not mindful of what is happening in my surroundings that I was clueless when I got into the empty classroom.

"Where are they?"

I put my bag on my seat and went out. I came across my fellow senior down the end of the hallway.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Everyone's in the assembly hall." She run off to her friends waiting down for her outside.

Great, an unannounced meeting is all I need.

The assembly hall is located at the far back of the campus. Imitating the girl I talked to, I also broke into a run.

The hall is already packed up when I arrived, with few students coming in and out of the door, looking for a space. I scanned the crowd and then I saw Elise standing and waving at me. She is at the far left, three seats from the front row of chairs. Looks like they saved me a seat.

"Excuse me, going through," I said as I pass several groups of people.


"Ouch!" I was almost knocked down when I bumped into someone.  Straightening up, I saw this irritated girl wearing--wait, is that a Chanel eyeglasses?-- "Sorry, I--"

"Watch where you're going!" she retorted, eyes flaring. She dusted off her sleeves and skirt as if she bumped into someone dirty and picked up her bag. Another Chanel I see. Then she passed by me.

Great. Who is that girl anyway? I have seen her before I am sure...

"Good morning students!" start the Principal, Mrs. Myers. "We will start at exactly 7:30."

I walked hurriedly to Elise and Sue.

"What caused your holdup?" Sue asked when I sat down in between her and Elise.

"Just bumped into someone I don't know."

"What, a transferee?"

"I dunno. She looks familiar though," I said, my eyes on the stage. "What is this sudden assembly for?"

"I heard they will welcome some students who brought (Sue drew a quotation mark on the air) a great honor to the school."

"Really?" I am used to hearing students brining such honors to the school, but it's the first time the whole school had been gathered to welcome them. "Wait, welcome? What do you mean, welcome them?"

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