"I'm Minsoo, we seen each other the other day but we weren't able to talk at the time" the beta chuckled softly as he thinks back to the incident with him and Yoongi.

"I remember" Jeongguk mumbled as they walked around the apartment, a frown set heavily on his brows and doesn't seem to be relaxing any time soon.

Minsoo opens up one of the doors that was at the end of a small hallway, Yoongi's scent instantly hit them.

Jeongguk took in a deep breath and seemed to be a little more chilled out now, "most of his things are packed, ive been helping him" the beta explained as he stepped further into the room.

Jeongguk instead entered the room and walked over to just plop down on the top of Yoongi's made bed and closed his eyes.

Taehyung chuckled and walked over to him, "come on, we need to be quick" he said wanting to get this over quickly incase anything else was to happen because he knows Jeongguk wont take it well.


The older alpha grunted at himself as he helped with grabbing boxes to cart down to the car.

They were doing that for a short while and was almost finished, they only had a few boxes left and with Minsoo also helping its going quicker.

They had just came back up from the car and just before they entered the apartment Taehyung's phone started ringing.

He pulled it out to look at the contact then looked up at the pair that was with him, "you guys go in, ill just be a minute" he says and answers the call.

Jeongguk nodded and as he was entering the front door he heard Taehyung say "hey baby", of course he was confused but he wasnt going to mention it.

Minsoo also had split up from Jeongguk as the guys had called him back over for something so Kook went up to the room by himself.

He opened the door, having closed it to keep the others out of there, but instantly noticed the alpha that was sat on the bed.

Jeongguk couldnt help the growl that had lowly sounded within the room.

The male smirked already knowing the affect he had on the other, liking how mad he is just from being in each others presence.

It just made it easier for him.

"Hey Jeongguk" Kyu said somewhat happily, which ticked Jeongguk off even more.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" He questions as he takes a threatening step forward.

His chest and shoulders were squared in a protective stance, his jaw clenched and the frown once again back, his teeth slightly showing as he continued to growl.

"I was wondering where Yoongi is, we have a few things to talk about" the alpha voiced out cheekily now.

Jeongguk quickly tilted his head to the side "stay away from him" he warned back. Kyu just chuckled at the younger alpha.

"You're so cute" the other alpha laughed softly now, faking a coo at the long haired male, pissing Jeongguk off even more.

"No wonder Jiyun likes you so much" kyu mumbled as a side note but made sure that Jeongguk could hear it.

"Fuck off and get out" Jeongguk takes another threatening step forward and balls his hands up into fists at his side, itching to just punch the other cocky alpha in front of him.

Both males were trying to over dominate the other with their scents, the two very different scents fill the room and starting to cover the rest of the apartment.

"You're so protective over an alpha that doesn't care for you" Kyu stood up from the bed now and walked over to stand in front of the younger male but made sure to leave some room between them both.

He crossed his arms over his chest as he kept talking, "you think he cares about you? He's only there for that omega" the alpha finished off with a smirk plastered on his lips.

Jeongguk's eyes turn to a bring red colour, his chest is heaving and he takes another dangerous step forward, getting too close to the alpha.

"Theres nothing really special about him either, he was quite easy to get into bed" Kyu pushes Jeongguk the rest of the way over the edge.

He lunged forward and landed one really hard punch across his jaw before he was being pulled back away from the other.

Taehyung and Minsoo dragged the pissed off Jeongguk out of the apartment and back down to the lobby.

Once the other two had let him go he had ran out of the building and instantly shifted to his wolf only to run off somewhere leaving behind Taehyung and Minsoo.


A/N: hey lovelies,,,

Yes i am back again with another update, im kinda happy that it didnt take too long since i last updated but there was still a little bit of a wait but i love yall for being patient with me.

But if you guys want anything to read in the meantime while you're waiting on updates i hve started to upload my ao3 fics on here and they each have a few chapters already and are active fics. They are generally a bit longer for the chapters too.

Also, this fic has hit 100k reads now yay, glad you guys enjoying reading it and i love all the comments you guys leave me too, it really makes my day.

Thats all for this chapter, i hope you like it and its a bit dramatic, which we always love.

Have a good day/night. Stay safe.

Yours, Ours || YoonMinSeoKookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora