I completely dissociated from my normal state of mind until Ariana found me in the bathroom. I barely even remember what happened in between that short time, but one thing I know is I hated it.

I'm not sure what I would've done if I were alone and she wasn't there to save me.

Blowing out a deep shaky breath, I look down to my feet and scrape the bottom of my shoe against the concrete, before I walk over to the door and swing the glass open until I hear the sound of the bell ringing above my head.

As I step inside, Rita pushes her way through the old creaky wooden swinging door, and widens her eyes when she looks at me, throwing her apron down on the counter.

"Is that my Harry?" she questions as she walks out from the back counter, approaching me with open arms, "I almost didn't recognize you with that new haircut! How are you honey?" she pulls me into a hug, swaying back and forth on her feet while she groans tiredly from how tight she's holding me.

"I'm alright," I laugh as I rub my hand gently against her back, "how are you doing? It's been a few days since I've last seen you" I state, pulling back while her hands stay rested on my arms as she looks at me.

"I'm good, wanna sit with me and chat? Ariana's almost all finished cleaning up" she smiles, pointing at the booth we always sit in when we come to visit.

Shaking my head yes, I follow Rita over to the booth and sit down with her while Ariana brings out two coffees for us a few minutes later.

What started as a normal conversation, turned serious when Rita had asked me about my mother's birthday party. The only reason she knows anything about it is because I reached out to her when my mom first called me.

I know I haven't known Rita long but she's sort of taken that mother role away from my mother when she decided to walk away. So when I first spoke to my mom the only person I felt like I could talk to was Rita.

So I did, and the conversation went well. She even gave me some advice on how to go about the situation, hence why I kept my calm with the way my mother was talking to me. She made me promise I wouldn't retaliate, so I didn't.

I'm not sure why I feel so comfortable and open with Rita about these kinds of things, because I hate talking about my mom with anybody else other than her and Ariana, but ever since I've met her she's had that comforting energy radiate off of her and it truly means the world to me.

"What did she say about your hair?" she cocks her eyebrow, giving me a questioning look while she takes a sip from her coffee cup, "It looks great by the way. You look very mature" she smiles.

Smiling from the compliment, I look down at my rings and spin them around my finger, "she just said it looked ridiculous along with everything else. I was sort of expecting it though" I shrug my shoulders like it's nothing.

"That's why you're not wearing your jewelry?" she tilts her head and pinches her lips tightly together, "you know I haven't seen you without that cross necklace around your neck ever until now" she huffs out a laugh.

Nodding my head, I drag my fingertip against the top of my glass as I laugh, "yeah, it was my dad's. I took it off when we got home but didn't really feel like putting it back on I guess" I blow out a shaky breath through my pinched lips.

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