"Don't you dare cut this hair, it looks beautiful" she drags her words out as she runs his fingers through his curls.

When I overhear hear the topic of their conversation I turn around quickly towards Rita, and push Harry back while I shoo her away, "yeah yeah hands off my boyfriend" I spit out playfully in a laugh, glaring at her when she looks to me with her eyebrows raised.

"Oh i'm sorry! He's just so pretty- you know you're very lucky dear. Nowadays men rarely wipe the dirt out from under their nails. Harry over here clearly moisturizes those large gorgeous hands of his. Be grateful" she pats her hand down against my knee, lifting and resting her leg down against her own as she sits back and gets comfortable.

This woman has no filter I swear.

When I shake my head and laugh quietly to myself, Harry grabs onto my hand and interlocks our fingers, resting both of our hands down on my lap.

"Why the hell is Caleb a tree? Isn't this A Christmas Carol?" Ashton speaks up, leaning over to face the both of us as he holds the wrinkled program up in his hands.

Harry shrugs his shoulders, smiling at the comment, as he snatches the program aggressively from his hands.

We both look down to the white folded piece of paper, seeing 'A Christmas Carol', printed on the very top as a title.

Huh, well isn't that bizarre

The lights slowly start to dim down, the parents and other families in the crowd slowly start to get quiet, and my head instantly tilts down against Harry's shoulder as the curtain on the stage begins to part.

As the show begins, Caleb stands in the corner glaring at the three of us as he stands there miserable while everyone else sings along to the music.

It's a complete shit show.

Which somehow makes it much more entertaining, and far less dreadful than Caleb had told us it would be.

Well for us at least, he looks like he's in hell right now.

"Hey" Harry whispers quietly, tilting his head down to whisper to me without distracting anybody else, "I got you a few gifts for tomorrow. But I want you to open a few tonight"

I shuffle around against his arm as I hum, "hmm? Why tonight?" I ask just as quiet as he did, curious as to why he's bringing it up now.

I got Harry a few gifts as well. We talked a little bit about presents and he said he wasn't going to accept anything from me, but he's stupid if he thinks i'm going to let that slide.

I'm not sure who told him he wore the pants in our relationship because he's obviously mistaken.

"They're not really gifts I want you to open up in front of my family..." he coos raspingly in my ear, grazing his thumb up my thigh, he fidgets with the fabric on the bottom of my red dress.

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