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We arrive in the farm and dad takes me to my grandparents bedroom where they used to share. We left the uncles outside and it’s just the two of us now, he looks really worried and I’m scared cause I have no idea what is going on with me. I just broke down and cried cause Zama left me and I don’t know where she went and how I’m going to find her cause mbuso refuses. I can’t believe I talked to him that way, how could I disrespect him like that at his own house. I have to apologize to him and my sister and his dad too.

Me:“ baba kwenzakalani ngami? ” ( dad what is wrong with me?)

Dad:“  don’t worry my son you’ll  be fine, there’s someone who’s going to come and explain to you what is wrong ”

Me:“ is it our traditional healer? ”

Him:“ it’s our neighbour from that other farm, you remember that he is a seer? ”

Me:“ yes ”

Him:“ he will explain everything ” he says that then someones knocks on the door and dad opens the door and it is him, baba uNgwende, he gets in and they close the door behind.

Me:“ sawubona baba ” ( good morning dad  )

Ngwende:“ sicelo take off your shoes and shirt, sit down crossing your legs ” I do as he says without asking any questions and dad does the same. He sits down facing me with a bowl between us then lights white candles and a sage and . He lights the sage then takes my left hand and touches and starts praying then says our clan names and I start to feel a little better. When he’s done he looks at me.

Ngwende:“ when did it start? ”

Dad:“ It started yesterday but I could be wrong ”

Me:“ dad what are you talking about? ”

Ngwende:“ I see, sicelo has your birth mark been itching to a point where it hurts? ”

Me:“ I don’t understand baba? ”

Ngwende:“ sicelo, your birthmark the one you all have, has it been causing you to feel pain? ”

Me:“ it would do that, I would scratch myself until it hurts. Do you know why baba? ”

Ngwende:“ your dad when through the same thing when he was much younger than you sicelo ”

Me:“ I’m still confused baba, what happened to you? ”

Dad:“ you see my son every man in this family for generations has gone through this and your cousins will also go through it because all of you have not found your soulmates ”

Me:“ what? ”

Ngwende:“ your father when he was about to meet your mother he experienced something like he was having a nervous breakdown but that was not it, the same thing that happened to him is happening to you and it will happen to your sons too ”

Me:“ I haven’t met my soul mate?, but I thought zama was, is my soul mate. ”

Ngwende:“ I see two women, one is a very troubled soul and the other one you have hurt. Both of them were not your soul mate, your soul mate is waiting for you. She’s praying for you that you find her and she’s waiting for you ” what?

Me:“ I’m still confused baba ” what the hell is going on!.

Dad:“ sicelo the reason why your birthmark has been itching and you acting out and causing trouble is because the time has come for you to be one with the person you were meant to be with. ”

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