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I never thought I'll be back here ever again but thami's death has forced me to be here and I must say it's bitter sweet. It's bitter because he is gone and I'm never going to see him again but on the other hand it's good because I get to celebrate my brother's life with sims and uncle victor. The car stops outside the gate and the door opens and my aunts all get out and I stay behind.

There are many cars outside and I don't see my dad's or uncle victors cars anywhere, maybe they are inside the garage. My aunts well thami aunts I'm sure are busy in the kitchen making tea and I'm sure my grandmother...I mean thami's partenal grandmother is ordering them around and driving everyone crazy. I need the strength to get up and go inside because my legs don't seem to function, I look outside as everyone gathers outside the gate and they start singing. Mbuso opens the door and looks at me.

Me:" can you get sims for me please? "

Him:" you need anything else? "

Me:" just water " he takes a deep breath and looks at me and he looks really worried, I give hin a side smile

Him:" I'll get preston to come and sit with you while I go and get simphiwe "

Me:" thank you " I watch him call preston then I see a car stopping next to us then sims gets off then sees mbuso and she goes to him and he hugs her comforting her then points at the car I'm in and she comes with preston following her behind. My dad, uncle victor and mbuso's dad open the gate and then they all get in the house still singing. Sims gets in the car then preston and they close the door then sims looks at him like, and then you? then looks at me and I just smile

Me:" long story short, this is preston my doctor slash adopted brother and preston this is my sister and best friend simphiwe "

Preston:" hey sister bestfriend, I'm preston how you holding up? " preston asks her giving a puppy dog eyes look and sims looks at preston then looks at us and laughs and we just look at her like she's crazy

Sims:" I'm Simphiwe but you can call me sims and I'm okay now that you're here guys. You know I thought I was going to ball out my eyes and cry when I see you luh but then brother bestfriend here just made me smile "

Me:" I know he's one of a kind " I wipe my tears off.

Sims:" Oh My God Luh mbuso finally proposed ? " she asks taking my hand and looks at the ring.

Preston:" what?!, Let me see and how did I not see it? " he takes my hand from sims then looks at sims and they both scream my God these two

Me:" guys not so loud "

Sims:" are you kidding me, you're getting married bitch " I giggle

Preston:" when did he propose and how? "

Me:" Today midday at my parent's house and it was beautiful " I tell them about how he proposed and when I'm done we're all wiping our tears off.

Sims:" I didn't think this day was going to turn out to be like this and I didn't think you were going to come until friday "

Me:" I think they were'nt going to tell me and someone or something changed their minds "

Preston:" they were worried about how thami's death was going to affect you and the babies "

Sims:" what?, you're carrying twins? " I look at preston and he giggles

Him:" well I had to share with sister bestfriend but I swear no one else will know, wait how did you know? "

Me:" that doctor in Pietermaritzburg let it slip, he thought we already knew "

Sims:" wow this is blessing luh, I can't wait to spoil them " she hugs me

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