Continual Of Chapter 40

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“ I’m sorry they got you upset. They made a big deal out of nothing, I think maybe they are jealous of your relationship with Sims. ”

“ that’s crazy though. What could be the reason for them to be jealous of her. I mean we welcomed Preston in our family with both arms and mah, she’s my aunt. I love her and nothing is going to change that. ” she says sitting on the bed.

“ they met you again as an adult, they still don’t know many things about you but only Sims does. Maybe she feels like she missed out on most of your childhood and she’s feeling threatened by your relationship with Sims. ”

“ then she should tell me how she feels and not accuse problems between me and sims. I hate that. No one is going to come between me and sims. ”

“ I know baby. I’m going to run us a bath. ”

“ are you okay cause you look a little down? ” she asks me concerned

“ I’m ok baby, I think I drank way to much than I should have done. ”

“ ohk. “ I know she doesn’t believe me cause of the way she’s looking at me. Lungi knows me and she knows that I’m not okay. I keep thinking about what thuli said about sipho molesting luh for 3 years and drugging her so she won’t be aware. That makes me so mad. It makes me want to kill sipho again and again. I want to punch something so bad until I feel numb and my body hurts.

“ baby are you okay? ” she asks turning the tap off. Fuck the water was almost full in the bath.

“ I’m okay love, was just thinking. ” I take the bath salts, bubble bath and oils pour them in the water. It has the right temperature. “ is the water okay? ” she tests the water and nods.

“ come and join me ” I undress, take her hand we both getting in with me behind her. I pull her to my chest, put my hand on her stomach and my kids move.

“ when are we having another ultrasound? ”

“ next week baby. ”

“ I can’t wait to meet them ”

“ I can’t wait to hold them, breastfeed them and smell them. ”

“ you are going to smell our babies? ” she giggles and that makes me feel a little better.

“ you are going to do it too. Babies smell great and I used to smell katlego and melusi. ”

“ I hope our kids will look like you. ” so they can wrap me around their little fingers like their mom.

“ but I want them to look like you ” she says whining and I chuckle.

“ they are going to look like us baby. What matters is we are going to have healthy bouncing babies. ” that’s all I want.

“ I hope sims will be here when I give birth, your mother too. ”

“ don’t forget aunt lwethu cause I’m sure she’s probably going to move in with us. ”

“ you think so? ”

“ I know so love. ”

“ I’m a first time mother and so I’m going to need all the help I can get. I learned many things from Sims as she was raising her children but I know it’s not the same for everyone. I just hope I’ll be a good mother to my kids. ”

“ you are a great aunt, I’ve seen you with sims kids. You are going to be the best mom and it is going to drive our kids crazy. ”

“ we are going to be great parents and if we have problems along the way, we have our parents and we can always ask for advise. ”

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