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We are in the living now and all our clothes are wet from drowning buhle. I look at mbuso and he looks exhausted and deep in thought. What buhle said and did is really messed up and I, I know it really fucked mbuso up. He looks deep in thought like he's not even here and I'm worried about him because finding out that someone raped you, got pregnant for you and then aborted your that's some fucked up shit and I still ask myself why didn't mbuso let us drown this bitch.

Me:" bro ?, are you okay ? " he looks at me and he looks like shit, like he has no idea what the hell is going on. Celeste looks shaken too and keeps starring at mbuso and shakes her head.

Mbuso:" I'm fine. I just need so see luh then I'll be fine....I know " I don't believe him.

Me:" do you want to talk about it ? "

Him:" I don't!. I wish I didn't promise luh that I won't kill buhle because that bitch would be dead by now! " he throws a glass of whiskey that he was drinking on the wall and it breaks into pieces.

Me:" Look bro, I know what she did shook and scared you... "

Mbuso:" don't you dare talk to me like I'm a victim. Maybe this karma finally getting back to me for what I have done to luh "

Me:" mbuso!, don't say that!, that bitch fucken raped you! "

Mbuso throws the decadent full of whiskey on my direction and I duck. He is shaken and very pissed and I don't blame him for what he's doing but if I was in his shoes buhle would be dead by now, promise or not. Celeste screams and runs out of the living room then it's just me and him.

Me:" calm down bro, luh could call at any minute then feel or sense that you're not okay, what do you think that will do to her? . I know we are all shocked with what buhle confessed and I can't imagine what you're going through but you need to not let this get you mbuso. I know you made a promise to luh but sometimes promises are meant to be broken bro and if you can't kill her I'll glady kill her myself because I didn't make any promise to her "

Him:" you can kill her because she'll think it's me who put you up to do that and I don't want you fight with your sister or cause problems "

Me:" then what do you want me to do? "

Him:" just give me keys to your house... I want to rest and change some clothes then talk to my baby "

Me:" what are we going to do with buhle? "

Him:" You remember I told you I was selling her and then I changed my mind?, well she's leaving tonight. I'm going to call the guys that i promised to sell her to, to come and get her "

Me:" about damn time. Lets go I'll drive, we'll shower, get some food and then get fucken waisted "

Him:" lets go and I'll call my guys on the way "

Me:" celeste?, we'll be back later " I shout for her to hear

Her:" okay " then we get up and leave but a call comes through on my phone .

Me:" Sbusiso ? "

Sbusiso:" man listen, you remember one of my bouncers Mark ? "

Me:" yeah, the one I asked to take those girls home ? "

Him:'" yes him, well I was here at the club and he just got a call from his girl telling him that they need help with one of the girls..." I interupt him

Me:" which girl and what happend? "

Him:" the girl you checking out last night, the one you showed me "