Continual of Chapter 49

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# SorryNotEdited.

I hope things between my brother and lesego will work out and they will be a family because from what he told me about her, she sounds like she is an amazing person. My husband is on his way back and I guess he will fill me in about how things went in Bethlehem. I undress then go to bathroom and have a cold shower. It cools my body down because I feel so hit and it doesn’t help that it’s way hot outside too.  I stay in shower until I feel like I’m a human again then carefully step out. I

 take the towel and dry myself. Then go to the closet, find mbuso T-shirt and wear it. I take our clothes out from the closet and begin packing them because we have to leave tomorrow morning and go to my in-laws because we have a ceremony we have do before I give birth. I’m honestly happy that buhle and her parents are out of our lives even though my family did a sloppy job when they got rid of them. Paul called me after mbuso left, when I heard it was his voice on the phone I hanged up and blocked his number.

I keep going to the closet and back again to our bedroom because I can’t carry many clothes at once. I could ask sis nonto to help me but I want to do it myself. I’m carry mbuso’s shoes when they slip and fall. Fuck, I could leave them there but I could trip on them and fall. I place the other three on the bed then hold on to the bed and bend down and take the one that fell. “ Are you done packing? ” it’s Preston. He’s been here the whole time and I can’t remember when was the last time he spent a night a his place. I like him and all but frankly I think I made a mistake but giving him a room at out house cause it seems like he has moved in and I don’t like that. No I know I don’t like that now. I take the damn shoe them slowly stand and turn to look at Preston. I almost gasp in shock but something tells to pretend that I didn’t see what I saw“ almost. Why? ” I ask him.

“ because you have been here in your bedroom for too long and I was beginning to get worried ” he says like he’s very concerned. “ I was just packing our clothes for the week. Are you coming with us? ” I look at him?. He shakes his head. “ I don’t think I am mbuso's favourite person right now and I think it’s best if I stay clear from him. ” good idea.

“ well you basically spoiled our surprise when you told  everyone about me carrying twins. You took that moment away from us Preston. It was wrong of you to say that! ” he sighs and sits on my bed. “ don’t sit on my bed. Sit on the couch. ” he looks at me surprised by the tone of my voice. “ you are angry at me too?. I’m sorry I did okay. I think it’s the wine that made me just blurt it out. ” he says and again I’m worried about him blabbing stuff out.

“ hmmm, it makes me wonder if you have not spilled our secrets to other people we don’t know about. ” he gasps at me shocked. “ you think that I have told other people things about your family?. ”  I stop packing, try to fold my arms on too my babies then look at him. “ well have you?. I mean you had four glasses of wine Preston then you blurted it out. If four glasses of wine can make you spill secrets then imagine if you were given something stronger?!. ”
“ well I have known this family for a few months and yes I have heard things and didn’t see many of them because the guys always exclude me but even if they didn’t, I wouldn’t tell anyone anything. I thought you knew me better than that. ” he sounds hurt and I still don’t buy it. “ do we really know you Preston other than you are a doctor and your family disowned you because you are gay? ” he gets up from the couch looking at me nervously.“ I think it’s best to go back to my place before we both say something that we will regret. ” he says.
“ what are you hiding Preston? Who are you? ” he looks at me and I feel the hair on the back of my neck stand. He won’t hurt me can he? I’m not alone in the house and there’s security outside. If I scream, they would come in here running. “ I’m going to go. I’ll see you.” He quickly leaves and I breath out deeply. I wasn’t even aware that I was holding my breath. I sit down and my heart is beating fast. Could I be wrong about Preston? And possibly have ruined our friendship?. I don’t know but my gut says otherwise.

UMSHADOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora