Continual Of Chapter 41.

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Lucky for us we have three different wedding planners that are working rather wonderful together. Each one of the has their own specific job to do, Preston and sims are making sure of that. I cannot believe everything is coming together so wonderful at such a short period of time. My dad said we cant slaughter a cow because the Gumede family have not paid my bride price.  Mbuso’s mom couldn’t stop crying when she got here because one of her kids is finally getting married for real. Well aunt lwethu when started  burning the sage all over the house chasing bad spirits  away at our house.

I am happy that they are all excited even though they lectured us about rushing things. According to them they thought maybe when I’m 8 months pregnant that’s when we will tie the knot but they know their son is very impatient.

We are now at my parent’s house and what dad did when he came to my house was take me to the farm, to our grandparents room and burned the sage with bab’ Ngwende as they connected to my ancestors. They also took me to all their graves including my mom’s. I’m glad my aunt was there with my brother and other aunts as dad talked to her because I got emotional and started crying but I felt this wonderful sense of peace like she was there covering me with a blanket in her arms as my aunt hugged me.

We left to my fathers house. When I got there it was crazy, filled with all kinds of people going up and down. Cars outside the yard and trucks in like it’s crazy. I haven’t seen mbuso since we left our house but I know he is here around somewhere. Dad instructed me to go my bedroom and not come out until tomorrow of which is  crazy cause we are not having a traditional wedding just a simple white wedding. But what I saw outside is nothing simple. The planners are doing their best and I know for sure that tomorrow. I’m going to be in awe. I’m laying in bed when the door opens. It’s my husband to be. I smile “ what are you doing here baby? ”

He doesn’t say anything. He locks the door looks at me and smiles. “ I came to spend some time alone with you before we get married. How did it go? ”

I wonder if scelo told him I was crying. “ I got a little emotional thinking about everything and how far we have come in less than a year baby. It’s crazy. ”

The way he looks at me as he sits and turns the TV volume down makes me feel like he is looking deep in my soul. It’s different and makes my skin breakout in goose bumps. “ you have been through a lot love. We have been through a lot my love but all of that led us to be here today. There are things I wish I could have done different love but I can’t cause they happened and I can’t change them ”

Mbuso still carries a lot of guilt for the things he did and I realise now that he hasn’t truly forgiven himself. “ mbuso you need to forgive yourself I have told you this before. What happened is all in the past. You need to let it go, close that door and throw away the key. I don’t want you regretting anything because that would mean you regret meeting me. ”

He looks at me like I’m crazy shaking his head. “ no man would regret meeting you baby. I for one have no regrets love. ” he says claiming my mouth like he hasn’t kissed me in a long time.

“ baby, stop before dad comes in here knocking. I’m pretty sure they know that you are here with me and they will think that we are probably having sex right now. ” I say giggling.

Laying on his back facing upwards he signs. He plays with his ring that I got him smiling. “ we are getting tomorrow and we don’t have rings? ” we laugh.

“ it’s all your fault that we don’t have rings. ” I tell him. He shakes his head. We lay in the bed not saying anything in comfortable silence, in each other’s arms. His hand on my stomach, another one around my shoulder. My leg is between his, head on his chest listening to the steady heartbeat in his chest. “in a few hours time you’ll be Mrs Gumede ”

UMSHADO (EDITED, PARTS THAT ARE NOT FROM LUH AND MBUSO WILL BE DELETED.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu