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It's early the early hours of the morning and she's sleeping and I don't want to wake her up but I have to cause we need to talk, I wanted to talk to her but she fell asleep the moment she got in bed. I miss us being alone at our house but for now this will do cause I have to keep her protected but I have to go and I don't know how she's going to take it. I look at the time and it's 2 am and by 3 I'm suppose to leave and I don't know when I'll come back.

Me:" " I brush her face and she sighs and smiles, I keep brushing her face and she doesn't wake up so I brush my beared on her face and she moves her face frowning and I almost laugh

Her:" boo? "

Me:" wake up baby, we need to talk " she opens her eyes and looks at me

Her:" you smell fresh.... where are you going? "

Me:" sit up baby, so we can talk "

Her:" did you sleep though? "

Me:" no I was watching you "

Her:" talk to me boo "

Me:" I have to go baby, I have to look for the man who wants you? "

Her:" did you find out who he is? "

Me:" yeah I did but I need you to be strong for our kids, for you and for me baby cause I can't do this knowing that you're not going to be okay ".

Her:" I don't have any other choice but to be strong mbuso, I want all of this to be over "

Me:" me too baby and I need you to know that I'm going to do everything in my power to keep my family safe "

Her:" who is he? "

Me:" it's the brother of the man I killed, he wasn't just going to buy you for himself. He was going to share you with his brother but then I killed him and now he wants you "

Her:" but how did he find out it was you, I mean he could have been killed by anyone? "

Me:" I think one of my friends betrayed me cause they are the only people who knew excluding your uncle father and brother "

Her:" who can we trust mbuso when people close to us keep betraying us? "

Me:" I'm going to end all of it cause I'm sick and tired of all the lies and people showing. I'm done baby I just want some peace and quiet "

Her:" but do you have to go? "

Me:" I have to go and eliminate every threat out there that wants to take my happiness away. No one is going to take you away from me lungi even if it means I have to kill everyone out there to make the world a safe and better place for you then that's what I would do. You were made for me and me only, no one else ".

Her:" Promise me that you'll come back to us "

Me:" I promise baby, promise me that you won't get stress and believe and know that I'm coming back to you "

Her:" I promise you, I don't wanna lose you mbuso so make sure you come back back in peace when they are all dead "

Me:" I love you "

Her:" not as much I love you "

Me:" You're my world lungile, you and my kids "

Her:" You're my everything mbusowezwe gumede "

Me:" I have to go baby "

Her:" you want me to walk you out? "

Me:" I don't want to get in the car and watch you, watch me leave "