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“ I love the sound of that coming from your sweet lips love. I can’t believe we are actually married. Holly shit we fucken did it baby ” I laugh.

“ we are really married for real this time. No fake marriage baby. ”

“ did I tell you how much I love you and  proud that you chose me and you get to call me your husband? ”

“ nope I don’t remember but you can tell me again. ”

“ sir down baby, do your feet hurt? ”

“ no I’m wearing sleepers ” I say giggling we sit on the bed.

“ your love humbles me Mrs Gumede. You are one in a million. Your beauty shines from within and it makes everything around you beautiful like you are. ” he sounds so emotional right now. In brush his face.

“ you make it easy for me to love you. I would do this with you all over again. We are not joined together for life. ” he smiles.

“ the only thing left now is to get the traditional wedding out the way. ”

“ can we not do that after I’ve given birth to the kids? ”

“ no. The planners are already planning it baby. I want everything done so we can focus on the birth of our kids. I want to focus on you and nothing else. ”

“ oh God. When did they say they can get it done? ”

“ you’ll have to ask sims, she’s the one handling everything. ”

“ getting married while your pregnant is exhausting. I really have no energy of going through another wedding but I know we have to do it so since your whole family is her, why don’t you guys start the negotiations tomorrow cause we are already married. ”

“ wow baby you won’t believe this but we had actually talked about it and decided that tomorrow we will have the negotiations. ” that is great then.

“ I’m glad then that we are on the same page. ”  someone knocks in the door and I think it’s sims.

“ come in. ” sims pokes her head. We get up. I’m so hungry though.

5“ Congratulations you guys!. You finally got married. ” she’s so excited. She hugs me and hugs mbuso too.

“ thank you sims for being there for luh all this time. Thank you ” my husband says.

“ she’s my sister and I know she would do the same for me too. we are ready for you Mr and Mrs. Gumede and prepare to be blown.”  she say smiling clapping her hands.

We get up and follow her and she takes us to where we are going to shoot our wedding pictures and the space they created is absolutely beautiful. The family is there waiting for us. We sit pose and do all kinds of things taking photos with every one. An hour later we are still taking pics and I am so done. It’s hot, the dress is starting to feel heavy and I am hungry.  I try to be patient by thirty minutes later I’m done.

“ ok we have taken thousands of picture and they are enough guys. I’m hungry. Can we go and eat so I can go and rest.” They laugh.

“ ok guys you see that huge frame tent over there?, please go to it. The bride and groom will follow you just now. Let’s go guys, come on. ” Preston says. They leave us and after a 10 minutes we follow them.

“ can we skip the reception and go home?. ” they both laugh.

“ that would be rude love. ”

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